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"What the heck was that for?" He yelled out, rubbing his cheeks.

I was there.

But I couldn't feel anything or any remorse. What just happened. Oh, God. What just I lose?

"Lana, you're scaring me."

"Where are they? What have you done?" I couldn't recognize my own voice. It's like I was looking at Samara's dead body again, waiting to understand why she wasn't waking up. I felt hands on my skin, cold, a madman's.

"Where are they, Mikhail?" I asked again, refusing to see the three bodies around me.

"I had no choice. Lana. I had to do that. He wasn't going to kill her so I had to send him back, that was the only way we could stop Fredah."

I couldn't understand what he was talking about. "Send him where? Mikhail, answer me!"

He had the nerve to look apologetic. "To hell. I sent him to hell."


A chuckle left from my lips. "You hated him that much..."

"It's not about who hated who. I did what was necessary to save you!" So easily he said those words like it wasn't breaking my heart again. I wanted to scream so loud that the sky broke open. I wanted to hide, to shout at Mikhail. Or kill Byron. I couldn't let myself feel the pain or I would never be able to run.

I stared outside.

This was our chance.

"We need to get to 5133."

"What?" His tone was rough from chanting for so long. "What are you talking about?"

My gaze ran wildly at every place I could look. We had to come up with something. Fast. "Need to take 5133 with us. Byron made sure no one was here to see what happened. We have to run before they come back. They'll never let us leave. Now!"

I didn't know why he followed me without a question. Did he even think of his actions at all? Or was it another way he wanted to proclaim his hate for me? Maybe it was guilt or maybe even he knew the truth in it. Byron would never let us go. Whatever we needed to do, this was the time.

Thankfully we didn't collide with any orderlies or anyone who could question us. The moment I was inside the room, 5133 jumped from the bed.

"What is he doing here?"

"We need to leave. Do you have any weapon that we can use?" I didn't realize there were tears in my eyes until she pointed that out.

"5132, you are crying...can you please calm down for a second and tell me what happened?" When I didn't answer and just kept looking for that damn crack, I heard her ask Mikhail.

"What happened?"

I could feel his stare burn my back. "I-I had to open the gate of hell. They are dead. Those sisters."

"That's good, right?" She exclaimed with a laugh. "What? Did I miss something?"

"It wasn't just those sisters. Sandy. Him..."

5133 backed up, hands raising as if to ward him off. "No way! You don't mean Byron, do you?"

"Not Byron. Zach." I answered for him. Looking him in the eyes to see him flinch.

Her eyes widened. "Oh, no. 5132..."

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Mikhail gritted out, avoiding my eyes for some reason.

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now