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I waited like a shark would for its prey.

She didn't say yes but it wasn't exactly a no either. I just had to try harder, make her see reason. And if that didn't work then I'd let my shadows do all the work. They were dying to get out anyway. 


The shout didn't change my emotions. At least it wasn't her voice. Still, in a daze, I reached downstairs to see Zach looking around for someone with worry in his eyes. If it was any other day, I'd care for it but today? I only managed to do a careless scoff.

"I thought you were going to drink your sorrows away. Your buddy bailed on you?"


Zach's eyes clearly showed what he thought of me. "Ivy didn't bail but your woman sure as hell did."

I paused, not even realizing what he was talking about. Emie did what? How did I not feel her emotions? How many hours had it been on the roof anyway? For the first time, I looked around, noticing the broken glasses thrown there.

"What happened?" My gaze hardened the more I took in the scenery. "Where's Emie, Goddammit!"

My words cut through the commotion near the hall. How could I not notice the tension in the air? Everywhere there was at least one or two tensed individuals bubbling about something. To my surprise, even Cone was there with his head bowed as usual. 

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I wondered what if whatever Ivy saw before was happening right now? I tried to shake the image of Emie's eyes filled with suffering but no matter what, I was stuck in that horrible nightmare. 

"I was going to meet Lana and Mikhail when I heard the scream." There was no longer any anger left in Zach's voice. He sounded as tired as I felt. "I came down to see what's happening but it's like they literally vanished. I can't find them, Alexei. They are gone. Allegra is also missing so you can assume what the Coven is going through right now."

I clenched my fists, forcing myself to blame someone for it. But who? Demos had been already handled with Zed's help. Zedkiel...

"Did Zed decide to stay the night?" Surely he would know what to do. If it's anyone I could count on, it was Zed. But Zach's lips tightened even more at the question.

"He's missing too." Damn it to the hell! 

I could feel my control snap at any moment. This, exactly this type of despair I was trying to avoid when I ended everything two months ago. Thankfully Cone rasped out, making me look at the demon. "Masterr, we should look for them now before it's too lateeeee." 

"Cone, find Jonathan, we might need him. And the rest of the Coven members, you call the Volkioses and other clans. We're gonna need as many people we can." I turned back toward Zach. "What about your bindings?"

Zach almost ripped open the trinket from his wrist in one pull. "Consider it done."

"Good, where's Allegra's room?" Every Volkios had a room in here that was locked. She had to have one too.

Zach frowned. "What?"

"We need to find a book named El kayes to find Emie. Now, just tell me!"

"Upstairs, East wing."

For what I was going to do, I needed that book. But to my surprise, when we actually found the room, there was no reason for us to break in since it was already open and in shambles. Shredded papers covered the whole floor, even the small bed. I carefully stepped over the broken things to look through the drawers.

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