Part 1

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- Includes pet regression completely NON-SEXUAL


Iwaizumi knocks on Oikawa's front door so he can walk to school with his boyfriend. Oikawa opens the door and smiles "Hey, Iwa-Chan miss me" Iwaizumi smiles and rolls his eyes "I saw you yesterday" Oikawa closes the door and walks up to his taller boyfriend "Yeah, I didn't miss your ugly face either" Iwaizumi raises one eyebrow "Iwa don't look at me like that" Oikawa starts to take steps backward as Iwaizumi walks forward. Oikawa takes off running and Iwaizumi chases him down the sidewalk. Iwaizumi catches up to him and grabs Oikawa's hips then puts his chin on Oikawa's shoulder as he tickles him. Oikawa starts giggling "Ok Ok, I'm sorry" Iwaizumi stops and smiles" That's what I thought" The two hold hands as they walk to school.

Oikawa lets his mind wander until he snaps himself out of it when he realizes he is starting to slip. Iwaizumi looks at Oikawa "You ok" Oikawa nods not wanting to speak. The two continue walking to school until they get to the gym and change. Oikawa asked the coach if he could sit out today.

Iwaizumi walks over to Makki and Matsun "Do you know what's wrong with Tōru" Makki responds with "We were about to ask you the same thing" Iwaizumi "hm"s.

|| TimeSkip||

During Class

Oikawa is trying to suppress his regression but it is exceedingly hard today and it's giving him a headache. he folds his arms on his desk then lays his head on his arms while the teacher talks about something he can't understand at the moment. Iwaizumi looks at Oikawa and then it clicks 'Tōru's slipping'

Iwaizumi leans over and whispers to Oikawa "are you slipping" Oikawa nods and Iwaizumi sighs "Why didn't you tell me earlier" Oikawa has trouble speaking clearly since his mind is in between his pet space and his normal headspace. "I din want worry" Iwaizumi runs his fingers through Oikawa's hair "baby, it's my job to worry about you" "How about we go to my house and take a nap, hm?" Oikawa nods

Iwaizumi raises his hand and the teacher looks at him "yes, Iwaizumi" Iwaizumi puts his hand down "Tōru doesn't feel good can I take him to the nurse's office" the teacher looks at Oikawa who has his head on his arms "yea sure" Iwaizumi nods then grabs Oikawa's hand and walks him out of the classroom.

Iwaizumi didn't take Oikawa to the nurse's office he just walked out of the school with him. They get far enough away from the school and Iwaizumi turns to Oikawa grabbing his hips then lifts him up and Oikawa wraps his legs around Iwaizumi's waist, snuggling his face into the side of Iwaizumi's neck. "You can slip now puppy" Oikawa whines slowly slipping into his headspace.

Iwaizumi walks up the steps to his house, unlocks it, walks in then locks the door behind him. Iwaizumi walks to his room and sets the boy on the bed. Iwaizumi goes into his drawer and grabs one of the collars in there, clipping it around Oikawa's neck but making sure it is loose enough that if it gets caught on something Oikawa can slip his head out. Attached to the pink collar is a tag that has his name and specifies that he is a regressor on the back.

Oikawa looks around then leans forward falling off the bed. He then gets up and starts looking around crawling on all fours and tripping over himself a couple of times. Iwaizumi laughs lightly at the regressor then picks him up. He lays Oikawa on the floor and changes him into an oversized T-shirt. Iwaizumi then stands up and gets himself some clothes. While Iwaizumi is changing Tōru crawls around the room on all fours looking for something to play with until he comes across an open drawer. He looks in the drawer only to find a squeaky toy, he pulls the squeaky toy out then starts chewing on it.

Iwaizumi is putting on his shirt when he hears the sound of a squeaky toy and turns around to see Tōru staring at the toy with his head tilted in confusion. Iwaizumi smiles then laughs and picks Tōru up, setting him on his hip. Iwaizumi looks at Tōru and Tōru looks back with innocent eyes. "You want a treat Ru" Oikawa lets out tiny bark and then sticks his tongue out as he looks around. Iwaizumi laughs "I'll take that as a yes"

Iwaizumi walks into the kitchen with Tōru still on his hip. He goes into the pantry and grabs a cookie then feeds it to Tōru. After Tōru finishes he yawns. Iwaizumi scratches underneath Tōru's chin. "You're tired, aren't you puppy dog" Oikawa lays his head on Iwaizumi's shoulder and snuggles his face into the crook of Iwaizumi's neck. Iwaizumi walks back to his room and lays down on his bed putting Oikawa on his chest. Oikawa soon falling asleep.

About an hour later

Iwaizumi's moms get home. Akina calls out to him "Hajime, get out here now" Oikawa stirs in his sleep but doesn't wake up. Iwaizumi slowly gets off the bed laying Oikawa back on the bed. Then he walks out of the room into the kitchen where his moms are. He whispers to his parents "did you need something" Akina furrows her eyebrows "why are you whispering" Iwaizumi shushes his mom "Tōru is sleeping" Emyo whispers "oh ok, but can you tell me why I got a call from the school saying you took Tōru to the nurse's office but you never came back to class" Iwaizumi sighs " Well truthfully I didn't take Tōru to the nurse's office because he wasn't sick, he slipped and I had to take him away from school" His moms realize that he is talking about Oikawa's headspace "Oh"

Iwaizumi then hears a whimper come from his bedroom. He walks to his room and his parents follow him. Iwaizumi looks at the bed to see Tōru sitting on the bed looking around for Iwaizumi and whimpering as small tears fall from his eyes. Iwaizumi rushes over to Oikawa wipes his tears then picks him up and sets him on his hip. Tōru stops whimpering and nuzzles into the crook of Iwaizumi's neck, falling asleep once again.

Emyo coo's at the sleeping boy in Iwaizumi's arms "he is just so cute" Akina smiles as Oikawa snuggles closer to Iwaizumi "I guess since you have a valid reason, you aren't in trouble but next time send us a text will ya" Iwaizumi nods then walks into the front room and sits down with Oikawa.

The doorbell rings and Akina answers the door and Makki and Matsun walk into the house. The two walk into the front room and Matsun talks loudly "Hey Iwaizumi" Iwaizumi shushes him and then the two see the sleeping Oikawa in Iwiazumi's arms and respond with an "oh" before sitting down on the couch across from Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi looks at the two and sighs "I need to tell you guys something and I hope you can accept it, but if you can't we cannot be friends anymore" Makki and Matsun share a worried look "W-what is it" Iwaizumi responds with "Do you guys know what regression is" Makki and Matsun speak at the same time "Yes, and we accept it" Iwaizumi lets out a sigh of relief and Makki speaks with an Irritated voice "let me guess that bitch of a mother caused him to have a headspace because she treats him like shit" Iwaizumi nods "It's puppy space" Makki claps his hands together "so when can we meet this Adorable little fucker" Iwaizumi looks at Oikawa "Well I should probably wake him up soon, but when he is awake make sure you only call him Ru or Ru Ru" Makki and Matsun nod.

Iwaizumi rubs Oikawa's back waking him up "Puppy, Puppy Dog wake up" Oikawa's eyes open and he looks around spotting Makki and Matsun. He gets happy leans forward tumbling off the couch, landing on his back. Tōru rolls over and crawls over to Matsun and paws at his shoelaces. Makki and Matsun coo at the adorable regressor. Tōru looks up at Matsun and tilts his head. Matsun picks Oikawa up and sets him on his lap. "Hi, Ru Ru" Oikawa lets out a tiny cute bark "Awww" Oikawa paws at Mutsun's ear and Iwaizumi stands up "I'm gonna go get him some snacks" "Oh and by the way, he bites" Right after Iwaizumi said that as if on cue Tōru bit down on Matsun's ear "OW" Iwaizumi looks at Tōru "Ruuu no biting" Tōru lets out a whine and lets go. Iwaizumi walks to the kitchen and Makki gives Tōru his fingers to chew on. (He just washed his hands btw)

Iwaizumi walks back into the front room and hands Makki a package of strawberry baby teething crackers. "I usually give him those while he is in puppy space because he can have as many as he wants and they won't hurt his stomach" "And they are healthy so" Matsun looks at Iwaizumi "Awwww you're soo thoughtful" Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and Makki starts feeding Tōru the crackers.

Oikawa rolls off the couch then gets up and crawls to Iwaizumi's room. Matsun looks at Iwaizumi "where is he going" Iwaizumi responds with "probably to go get one of his toys" Tōru comes back with a big pacifier-shaped toy. Makki furrows his eyebrows "Why does it look like a pacifier" Iwaizumi looks over at Tōru "Oh yeah I saw that at the store a little while ago, apparently, it's rubber soother for puppies" "I got it as a joke but he seemed to really like it" Oikawa crawls over to where Iwaizumi is and sits at his feet looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. Iwaizumi smiles and picks Oikawa up, setting him on the couch. Tōru lays on his stomach, putting two fingers through the ring part of the toy as he chews on the other side.


IDK what life is so

Also if you have suggestions please comment them thanks, peoples.

"I'm sorry" (Pet regression Oikawa IwaOi FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now