Part 7

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It had been a while since Tōru had regressed to either head space. Hajime had been wondering "why" but he knew if he pestered the younger, Tōru would get the wrong idea and start thinking Hajime likes him more when he's regressed. Which was simply not true.

Today was a practice match between two volleyball teams, Aoba Johsai and Nekoma.
The two teams we're neck and neck both playing hard until, all of a sudden Tōru Oikawa's sets started to become off, but as the match progressed the boys sets turned from off to just straight up sloppy, both teams were worried about the setter at this point. Saying as just about everyone in that gym is friends with Tōru.

At some point the coaches called a long break and left the two teams in the gym. The high school students were very confused by the coaches actions, but chalked it up to the two wanting to take a smoke break or talk about something. The teams took this break and headed to the bleachers.

Tōru followed closely behind Hajime who then sat down. Tōru stood right in front of the older and mindlessly looked at him as Hajime spoke "Are you okay, no offense but your sets looked horrible" Hajime pauses when Tōru squints at the other for a second then tilts his head with doe eyes, although what really surprised Hajime was when the shorter just sat down on his lap and rubbed his eye then shoved his face into the side of the older's neck. Although Hajime snapped out of it when he heard a small "ZuZu" He gives a small sigh then looks down with a soft smile "Yes Bub" Tōru let's out a small whine before speaking "I...I fink I slipped"

"Yeah you did Bub, thank you for telling me" Hajime says as he rubs the shorter's head. The black haired boy speaks up once more "Do you know where we're at" the little responds with a small "Nuh uh" Hajime just give a soft "Okay" not wanting to scare the regressor and cause him to start crying.

Hanamaki walks over to the two not noticing his friend is regressed. He speaks being a bit annoyed "like dude are you good, what the fuck were those se-" Maki is cut off by a glaring Hajime shushing him, Maki tilts his head saying "What" not understanding until he hears a small whine come from Tōru. Tōru lifts his head looking at Hajime "ZuZu, Taki s-said a bads word"

Hanamaki realizes and sits on his ankles with his knees pressed to his chest as he gently grabs Tōru's hand "I did say a bad word huh, can you forgive me sweetheart" Tōru rubs his eyes once again only for Hajime to silently guide it away from his eyes as the younger speaks quietly "I-Is otays Taki"

Maki smiles "Thank you, bud" although his smile fades when Tōru lets out a whine as he sits up. Hajime pushes Tōru's hair from his face and speaks softly "What's wrong love" Tōru looks around the gym then speaks up "ZuZu, a-are we i-in um da gym" Hajime nods then Tōru see's the other team and speaks again "Wew we paying um v-v-voeyball" The black haired boy rubs the younger's back "Yeah we were, hon"

Hajime is caught off guard by a sniffle that turns into multiple sniffles and he quickly looks over to see Tōru on the verge of tears "Bubba what's Wrong" Tōru's tears soon fall and he lets out a sob "I-I-I sowy" The taller changes their position so Tōru is straddling his waist then he says "Baby, what are you sorry for?" Tōru lets out another sob as his words slur together "I-I wuined yow voweybaw game, I di'in means too ZuZu, I-I-I Sowy" Hajime's heart breaks and stands up everyone now staring at him although he couldn't care less he just wants his baby to feel better. "Aw baby you didn't ruin anything I promise" Hajime says as he continues to rub the regressors back

The brunette shoves his face into the side of Hajime's neck and continues to cry letting out choked sobs before he speaks again "No No No, I dis I dis wuins it" The taller rubs Tōru's head as he walks out of the gym leaving some confused volleyball players.

Hajime sits Tōru down on a bench and kneels down to his eye level. "Bubba, I promise you didn't ruin anything, everything is okay" Tōru doesn't talk he just rubs his tear filled eyes and shakes his head quickly. Hajime gives a quiet "Okay" before pulling Tōru into a hug and rubbing the younger's back as he cries into the older's chest.

The door of the gym opens and a tall boy wearing a Nekoma jersey walks over to the two giving a sad smile as he speaks looking at the crying boy "I'm guessing he's an age regressor based off his speech" Hajime nods a little confused "You know about regressing" Tetsurou nods "Yeah I took a short child psychology class cause it looks good on college applications, p-plus I was bored" Hajime nods still rubbing Tōru who's sobbs have turned into hiccups.

Tetsurou kneels down next to Tōru and Tōru slowly looks at the taller his eyes still full of tears. "I heard Iwaizumi-Kun earlier, do you think you messed up the game" Tōru nods hiccuping a couple times. Tetsurou pets the regressed boy's head "Aw bud you didn't mess anything up we all had a bunch of fun playing" Tōru sits up rubbing his eyes "Pomis"

Tetsurou smiles "Yes, Love we had fun I promise" Tōru whines and reaches for Tetsurou who in turn picks the smaller up setting him on his hip. Hajime smiles and rubs Tōru's head "See Bubba, ZuZu told you everything was okay" Tōru nods "Y-Yous was rights" Hajime rubs the younger's back "Do you wanna go see everyone I bet they're waiting to meet you" Tōru's eyes light up "D-Dey are?" Hajime nods then Tōru looks at Tetsurou "Reawy?" Tetsurou smiles "Yep, Hanamaki-Kun told them about you and they are waiting to meet you" The brunette smiles and kicks his legs with happiness then reaches for his caregiver who then takes him into his arms.

The three slowly open the gym door and walk in everyone staring at Tōru, making the regressor shyly lay his head on Hajime's shoulder and whine. The group of boys smile at the regressor some cooing at his actions. A boy with brown and blonde hair walks toward the three as he speaks "Hi buddy" Tōru looks at Kenma and gives a little wave "H-Hewo" Kenma smiles before asking "How old are you bud" Tōru some how cuddles closer to his caregiver despite being in the olders arms, then he shyly mumbles "I-I'm f-free"
Everyone just about dies from cuteness overload.


Hajime was making his way to his house carrying a sleeping Tōru who was all tired out from playing with the two volleyball teams. All of a sudden Hajime's phone rings he grabs it quickly not wanting it to wake up Tōru who in turn only gives a small whine and shifts. Hajime presses the phone to his ear speaking "Hello?" He hears Tsukishima's voice "Uh hey Iwaizumi, I was just wondering if you could come over" Hajime furrows his eyebrows "Uh yeah sure, you alright" Tsukishima gives a nervous laugh "Y-Yeah um...I think Tobio uh...I think he picked up Tōru's headspace" Iwaizumi snorts "O-Oh I see well sorry bout that I'll be right over, Tōru is with me by the way" Hajime then hears Tsukishima speak to who he assumes is Tobio "T-Tobio get off the counter" then Tsukishima speaks into the phone "That's fine just hurry please" Hajime gives a confused "Okay" before Tsukishima hangs up.

Earlier at Tsukishima's house

Tsukishima's sitting on the couch reading while Tobio is taking a needed nap after a long day of school. Tsuki continues to read until he hears foot steps leading into the front room and he looks up from his book. He sees Tobio walking over to him with a confused almost frustrated look on his face. Tobio walks over to the taller and sits on his lap only for the other to respond with "Hey Tobi, you okay?" Tobio let's out a whine before responding "I-I think I slipping but headspace feel differen" Tsukishima pushes the smaller's hair back "What do you mean love"

Tobio lays his head on Tsukishima's shoulder "Don feel little but in between a headspace" Tsuki furrows his eyebrows as he speaks "I'm sorry, I'm not sure what that means" Tobio just lets out another whine and closes his eyes soon falling asleep on the other. Tsukishima then falls asleep alongside his regressor.

Tsukishima's eyes flutter open him waking up to a scratching sound. He slowly sits up running his fingers through his hair until he hears the scratching sound again. He blinks a couple times and stands up listening for the sound again. When he hears it again he realizes it's coming from the small closet horizontal from the couch. He slowly walks toward it not sure what managed to get in the small closet, but he knows he has a habit of leaving it open.

He quickly opens the closet and his heart breaks. Inside the closet was Tobio sitting on the floor with teary eyes who now has his arms up silently asking to be picked up. Tsukishima gives a small "Aw" before picking the smaller up and saying "How did you get stuck in there hm?" Tobio shoves his face into the side of Tsukishima's neck. Tsuki gives a very small sad smile feeling bad then walks into the kitchen and sets Tobio on the counter "You want a snack, love" He gets a little worried when the smaller doesn't respond that is until Tobio tilts his head and he hears a small "Mrrow" escape the boys lips.

Tsukishima then realizes what is going on with his regressor. He scratches under the boys chin and speaks "You're a kitty cat huh"
To Be Continued

"I'm sorry" (Pet regression Oikawa IwaOi FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now