|| Time Skip - 2 weeks ||
Iwaizumi was in the kitchen cleaning off the counters. He was home alone right now because his parents had to go to work. He gets a call then picks up his phone and answers it.
~Call~ Iwaizumi Oikawa
Oikawa lets out a small whine
Hey Kawa, what's wrong you sound like you're in pain
I just have a migraine, um I was wondering if I could come over today. It's just the last couple of weeks have been a little stressful between me trying to spend time with you and dad and now my mom and I have had to study a lot more and then there is volleyball. I kinda just need to relax for a while, but nobody's home so I was wondering if I could come over. I-I understand if I can't I don't want to burden you or waste your time.
Tōru, I am your boyfriend nothing you do will ever burden me I promise. You can come over anytime. Do you want me to come and pick you up or do you wanna just come here?
I'll just walk there thank you Iwa, I love you
I Love you too baby, I'll see you soon.
See you.
~Call End~
A little while later Oikawa arrives at Iwaizumi's house and Iwaizumi lets him inside. Oikawa leans his forehead on Iwaizumi's shoulder and lets out a small whine. Iwaizumi pets Oikawa's head "You can slip now princess" Oikawa lets himself slip into his headspace
After Oikawa is fully regressed Iwaizumi changes him into an oversized sweatshirt, a bright purple collar, and pair semi-short shorts. Iwaizumi picks Oikawa up and sets him on his hip. Tōru curls his fingers making them look kind of like paws. Then he pushes on Iwaizumi's cheek. Iwaizumi grabs his wrist and rubs their noses together making Oikawa smile and let out a tiny bark. "You hungry puppy dog" Oikawa sticks out his tongue and looks around. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that means yes"
Iwaizumi walks into the kitchen and goes into the pantry. "Dang it, I need to go to the store" Iwaizumi continues to look for something to give to the regressor but when he doesn't find anything "Shit" Oikawa whines and puts his hand on Iwaizumi's mouth. Iwaizumi smiles and moves Oikawa's hand "Yes, I know you don't like that word" Oikawa lays his head on Iwaizumi's shoulder and chews on the collar of his shirt.
Iwaizumi sighs realizing that he has to go to the store because he needs things for his house and the regressor, and not only that but Tōru is probably gonna be regressed for at least a day or two. He takes out his phone and calls someone, he asks them if they can come watch Oikawa while he goes to the store.
A little while later there is a knock on the door and Iwaizumi opens the door to see Makki and Matsun. "Hey guys thank you for coming over to watch him, I hadn't realized I ran out of stuff for him" Makki smiles "It's fine man" the two walk inside
Tōru looks at Matsun and reaches for him. Matsun takes Oikawa and sets him on his hip. Oikawa looks around as he chews on his fingers and Makki coos at the regressor's actions. "You should probably get him something small to chew on, like one of those baby teethers." Iwaizumi nods.
Iwaizumi kisses Oikawa's forehead "I'll be back soon okay puppy" Oikawa stares at Iwaizumi as he walks out of the front door. Oikawa lets out a whimper and Makki pats his head "Aw it's ok Ru Ru he'll be back soon" Oikawa tilts his head then lays his head back down on Matsuns shoulder and continues to chew on his fingers. Matsun looks at Makki "Hey Hiro can you go grab one of his chew toys so he doesn't cut his fingers on his teeth" Makki nods and walks away to Iwaizumi's room and comes back with Oikawa's favorite chew toy. Makki Gives Oikawa the pacifier-shaped toy. Tōru puts two fingers through the handle and chews on the other side.
A little while later Tōru had fallen asleep, the small toy still in his mouth altho his fingers slipped out of the ring at the end so he looks like a small child sucking on a pacifier. Makki and Matsun coo at the boy as he sleeps. Matsun sits on the couch holding Oikawa and watching some random TV show.
About 20 minutes later, Oikawa whines and squirms in Matsun's arms. Oikawa's eyes open and whimpers. Makki and Matsun look at Tōru concerned "What's wrong Ru" Oikawa continues to whimper as small tears fall from his eyes. Makki runs his fingers through Oikawa's hair "He probably had a nightmare"
Oikawa continues to whimper so Makki takes him into his arms. He stands up and walks around the room with Oikawa "Sh Sh Sh, your okay Shhhh" Makki continues to soothe the regressor until he falls asleep once again. Makki looks down to see Oikawa chewing on the collar of his shirt as he sleeps. He slowly takes the fabric out of Tōru's mouth and replaces it with Oikawa's small soother toy.
Iwaizumi unlocks the door and walks inside, then puts the bags down on the counter. "Hey, I'm back" Oikawa whines at the noise and puts his chin on Makki's shoulder. Iwaizumi walks over and looks at the regressor as he sleeps with the pacifier-like toy in his mouth. "Cute" Iwaizumi pets Oikawa's head then takes a picture.
Iwaizumi slowly takes the puppy soother from Tōru and replaces it with the newly bought baby soother just so that the rubber chew toy doesn't hurt Tōru's tongue. Tōru opens his eyes and looks and Iwaizumi tiredly then he reaches for the taller boy. Iwaizumi takes Oikawa into his arms and sits on the couch, sitting Oikawa on his lap in the process. Tōru lays his head on Iwaizumi's shoulder and paws at the drawstring on Iwaizumi's hoodie as he continues to suck on the baby soother (Pacifier).
Makki looks at Iwaizumi "He seems more tired than usual" Iwaizumi sighs "Yeah, he hasn't been getting a lot of sleep, I keep asking him what's wrong but he just says he is fine" Matsun thinks for a second then speaks "I think its nightmares, cause he had a nightmare in his headspace earlier but that might have just been this once." Iwaizumi then realizes "Fuck, now everything makes sense" Oikawa lifts his head and whines. Iwaizumi scratches under Oikawa's chin "I know I'm sorry" Oikawa lays his head back down and continues to play with Iwaizumi's hoodie. Makki and Matsun share a look of confusion and Iwaizumi smiles "He doesn't like cuss words when he is regressed" Makki and Matsun nod.
The door unlocks and Iwaizumi's moms walk into the front room. Makki and Matsun wave to the two mothers. They walk over to the couch and sit down, only for a regressed boy to crawl over to them and silently ask for their attention. Akina picks Tōru up and sets him on her lap. "Did you buy this pacifier today?" Emyo says as she looks at the baby soother in Tōru's mouth. Iwaizumi nods "He seems to really like it and it stops him from biting me so that a plus." Akina laughs lightly as she wiggles her fingers at Oikawa and the boy continuously reaches out to touch them.
That's all for now

"I'm sorry" (Pet regression Oikawa IwaOi FanFic)
FanfictionOikawa's mom avoids him due to him looking just like his abusive father who died before he was born. Kai is Oikawa's stepdad but he thinks of him as his dad and has his last name. Iwaizumi is taller than Oikawa. Oikawa is 6'0, Makki is 6'2, and Iwai...