Part 8

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The day had started out fine for Hajime, he walked to school with his lover, there was no morning practice so he went to class.

But it took a turn when he got to afternoon practice, something just felt off about his beautiful boyfriend, and by the second half of practice he knew for sure something was wrong. Only problem was he couldn't figure out what.

Although right now just about everyone has figured out something is wrong with the brown haired setter. At the moment they are standing on the side lines watching Tōru serve, but the more he serves the more his serves become more of just hitting the ball at the ground. The brunette just seems irritated or agitated they can't figure out which though.

At some point of watching Oikawa frustratedly hit volleyballs over and over again, Iwaizumi decides that's enough and walks over to the shorter. He slowly and gently takes the ball from Tōru's hands and speaks to him "Tōru...what's wrong?"

Oikawa responds with a glare which takes Hajime by surprise as the smaller harshly murmurs "m'fine" Iwaizumi's eyebrows raise for a moment and he shakes his head "You're definitely not fine, baby" Oikawa just responds with an annoyed grunt which confuses the older. "H-How about we go into the locker rooms and talk, my love?" Tōru let's out a whine and shakes his head "Nuh uhh"

Hajime takes a step back not sure what to do so instead of thinking he just...picks the shorter up and carries him into the locker room. Tōru responds to this by squirming, pushing on Hajime's shoulders, and yelling "Nu Nu Nu Nu Nu Nu Nu Nuu!" As the locker room door closes

Iwaizumi sets his partner down on the bench and cups his face making the smaller look at him "Baby, what's wrong? I can tell you're slipping but even in little space you're not like this." Tōru quickly turns his head ripping it from Hajime's hold, slams his hands down on the bench, and stomps his feet yelling "Nuw! Nu nu nu nu nu!"

The black haired male lets out a sigh he's not upset at the little he's pretty sure he could never be upset with him he's just worried Tōru never acts like this. Hajime then gently places his hands on Oikawa's shoulders "Honey Lemon..." That's when it happened Tōru harshly pushed Iwaizumi away and threw up all over the floor luckily not getting any on himself or his caregiver.

Hajime sighs as he looks into his little's dazed eyes. "Aw baby" He walks around the puddle of vomit and pulls the younger toward himself making them lean on him as he rubs their head. Tōru let's out a whine and a sniffle as Iwaizumi picks him up walking over to the sink in the locker rooms. He grabs a paper towel and wets it wiping his baby's face only earning a string of whines from the smaller. "Baby how old are you, hm?" Tōru leans his head on his caregivers shoulder and weakly puts up one finger soon putting it down.

Hajime throws the paper towel away and pushes Tōru's hair from his eyes "No wonder you were so upset you're sick and too little to know how to tell me, huh?" Tōru doesn't give a response instead just tilts his head upwards on the other's shoulder and closes his eyes.

Iwaizumi walks out of the locker rooms carrying his and Oikawa's stuff along with a sleeping Tōru. His teammates tilt their heads and he speaks up the coach being out of earshot "He's sick and in too young of a headspace to tell us" The team gives sad sighs as they look at the age regressor in Hajime's arms.

The spiker looks at Makki "Can you tell the coach I'm taking Tōru home...and that he might want to ask the custodian to go in the locker rooms before you guys change out" Makki nods being a bit confused by that last part.

Hajime decided he would go to Tōru's house remembering today was Kai's day off and two people taking care of a sick toddler is better then one. Although he isn't sure if Tōru's told the older about his new headspace yet.

"I'm sorry" (Pet regression Oikawa IwaOi FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now