Part 1.5

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Oikawa had fallen asleep after tiring himself out by playing with dog toys, the other three teenagers had fallen asleep right after him because of the boring movie they had put on. A little while later Tōru had woken up still in puppy space. He looks around noticing Iwaizumi is still sleeping. he nudges Iwaizumi but Iwaizumi just stirs and goes back to sleep. Oikawa whimpers then Akina walks down the hall and see's Oikawa. She walks over to him and talks in a soft voice "Hi Ru Ru what's wrong" Oikawa whines and looks down at Iwaizumi. "Aw, Ru he's sleeping how about we go play in my room with Autie huh" Tōru didn't exactly understand Akina but decided to go with her anyways. She picks him up, setting him on her hip and he plays with her hair. She smiles and laughs then goes into her son's room grabbing some of Tōru's toys.

She walks into her room closing the door then she sets Tōru on the bed with her wife. Emyo grabs one of the toys and gives it to Tōru who continues to play with it. Tōru rolls over and Emyo rubs his stomach. Oikawa whines and Akina looks at him "What's wrong" Emyo looks at Tōru then at her wife "you know he is probably hungry" Akina nods and goes and grabs Tōru some strawberry yogurt melts. Then Akina feeds them to Oikawa.

While Akina is feeding Tōru, Iwaizumi opens the door in a state of panic. "Have you seen Tōru?!" Oikawa perks up at the sound of Iwaizumi's voice then barks happily. Iwaizumi sighs in relief and walks over to Oikawa petting his head "Hi baby" Iwaizumi picks Oikawa up, setting him on his hip. Oikawa continues to paw at Iwaizumi's ear. Iwaizumi looks at his parents "So I'm gonna get him some dinner before Kai comes to pick him up" His mothers nod.

Iwaizumi takes Oikawa into the kitchen to get him some dinner before he gets picked up. Makki and Matsun sit at the counter and Iwaizumi gives Oikawa to Makki while he makes Tōru dinner. Makki sets Oikawa on his lap and lets the regressed boy play with his fingers. Iwaizumi finishes and puts a bowl on the floor. Makki lets Oikawa down so he can eat. "Hey, Iwaizumi how come the cabbage is on top" Iwazumi looks at the bowl then at Matsun "Cause if I put the chicken on top he will only eat that and leave the rice and vegetables." "oh"

Tōru had just finished eating, so Iwaizumi put his bowl in the sink then picks Tōru up and sets him on his hip. Tōru nuzzles into the crook of Iwaizumi's neck falling asleep. Makki and Matsun smile at the adorable sight.

Iwaizumi sits on the couch with the sleeping Tōru, until the doorbell rings. Knowing it's Kai, Iwaizumi gets up still holding the regressed boy, and walks over to the door opening it. Kai looks at Iwaizumi and smiles "Thanks for taking him home earlier" Iwaizumi smiles back "Of course" Iwaizumi rubs Tōru's back "Ru Ru wake up" Tōru stirs slowly waking up, him still being tired whines. Iwaizumi kisses Oikawa"s forehead then hands him to Kai. Kai takes him and Tōru falls back asleep on Kai's shoulder. Iwaizumi and Kai say goodbye. Then Kai starts walking back to his house. Tōru shivers at the cold then lets out a whine snuggling closer to his father. "I know Ru, I'm sorry I didn't bring the car this time."

Kai unlocks the front door walking inside and closing the door then locking it. He turns around to see Himori furrowing her eyebrows. "Why are you carrying Tōru like that" Kai sighs "Welp you were gonna have to find out one way or another" Himori responds with "Find out what?!" Kai shushes her and Tōru stirs but doesn't wake up. "Have you ever heard of regression or headspaces" Himori scrunched her nose "No, what the hell is that" Kai sighs once again "It's a state where either willingly or non-willingly your mind makes you have a different mindset, sometimes it's of a younger child and other times it's an animal" Himori looks at Kai in disgust and Kai shakes his head "And before you say it's some weird shit do your research, it is an actual coping mechanism" "And the reason Tōru experiences it is because of you treating him like shit his whole life" Kai walks into Tōru's room closing the door. He lays Tōru on the bed then he pulls out the extra mattress and sleeps on that.

That night Himori had stayed up all night researching Head spaces and regression.



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