5 - I Can't

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"It's been a week since I asked you to assassinate him. You're messing up," Cherry's dad said.

Pico remained silent as ever. It's another one of those 'you messed up, do better'. Of course he would take that seriously, he takes his pride as the best assassin. His pride became lower and lower everyday.

"I hired a new assassin instead."

Pico raised his head to look at his client's red glowing eyes.

"I know, I know. The code still works. You don't kill the target with your own hands, you die. So I guess... You two have to fight for your lives," he said with a smirk.

Pico nodded, feeling an emotion building up inside him. He imagined standing up and blowing the brains out of his client. He was still glued on his seat.

"What's so difficult about killing that boy anyway? I mean, just look at him. Short, annoying, loud. Aren't those types of people you'd want to kill?"

Pico agrees. He still doesn't get why it should be any different from Keith.

A paper flew off from Pico's pocket. It landed on the floor and that caught daddy dearest's eyes. He took it and read it.

Pico snapped away from his thoughts. He noticed the familiar ripped paper.

"Love is a process of elimination?" He read it out loud.

Pico stood up and quickly snatched the paper away from him. He crumpled it and put it back in his pocket. His hand stayed with it.

"Don't tell me... You like that goofball?"

Pico shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed.

His client gave him a chuckle. "So that's why."

He approached him, patting his head as a mockery. "Aw come on. Don't tell me that you feel like you have a chance to be with him?"

Pico glared at the mockery. He didn't like it at all.

"Keith is madly in love with my daughter. What makes you think he'll love you too? You're a bloodthirsty assassin. You'd break his heart or put his life in danger. Even if he decides to be with you, he'd think 'oh, I should've been with Cherry. She's nicer and mentally stable. Unlike this troubled, emotionless, sexually ambi-"

Pico grabbed his neck. It was easier since he was at his level literally and non literally. He slammed him against the wall, gripping his hand tighter on his neck. He didn't know why his thoughts are currently happening right now. He was kicked out of the scene and got caught up into something. He felt a sharp cold blade on his jaw.

"Good job, senpai."

Pico knew it. The hand technique, the speed. Senpai was a competition for years. Even after the graduation, he's still competing.

Pico still has the title up until now. He knew he'd come out of the shadows once he found out about his issues.

"But Pico isn't your target."

Senpai moved away from Pico, intentionally leaving a slash on his cheek. Pico didn't feel the pain but he did feel liquid trailing down his cheek. It reminded him of... That. Keith never should've come to get him.

Pico wiped the blood off his face with his sleeve. He decided to stop the blood from pouring out instead.

"Long time no see, Pico," Senpai greeted with that smirk. "That's too bad that my target doesn't like men. I would've charmed him."

"Who knows?"

Pico walked away, having no point in the conversation. Halfway through the exit, he stopped when he heard soft voices. He sneaked and looked at who's talking. Of course, it was Keith.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll make it up to you. Let's go out on a date without Pico," Keith said.

Pico could only see Keith and his distress. He's looking up which means Cherry is in her room talking to him by the window.

"No because why? What's with Pico? We went on a date without him yet you can't stop yapping about him," Cherry said.

"I just feel like I've known him. He's like a long lost friend!"

"Okay, I understand. It's just... the way you look at him," Cherry's angry voice turned into a sad one.

Keith tilted his head a bit, his face showing confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You look like you're in love or something. You never looked that way to me before."

Pico backed away. He feels like he's not supposed to hear this. Since when does an assassin care about this anyway?

"I'm not in love with him, that's sick. I love you and only you," Keith said.

Pico looked away, feeling a sharp pain in his heart. He held his chest, thinking that it was weird when he felt that.

"Oh you... shut up and kiss me."

Pico silently escaped the scene. He ran away and went to his phone.

Once he heard the door to his house slam shut, his phone rang. He received it and put it by his ear.

"When are you coming back?" Pico heard his friend say.

Pico ended the call. He typed his response.


"Soon? Is your target a high class that's why it's difficult to eliminate them?"

That's not true. Keith isn't a high class or something. He's an average boy you'd consider a background character yet he stands out so much.

"Can't tell," Pico typed in response.

He thought that the sooner he eliminates Keith, things will finally be better.

Pico turned on his phone again and tracked Keith's location. The same location since the first time he saw him. He went there right away.

Pico set up his sniper. He looked at Keith one last time to see him sitting in the middle of it. It was completely destroyed yet he still thinks it's beautiful.

Keith sighed, hugging his knees. "Pico quit his job?" He muttered under his breath.

The assassin aimed his sniper at his target.

"Damn! Where are the cool people when I need them?" Keith exclaimed, standing up as he threw his hands up the air. He aggressively put them down and walked around. "I wish I visited Mr. Fulp more often. He and I would listen to music and be edgy."

Pico couldn't pull the trigger. There it is again. But Keith said something so crucial. Hepullled a trigger to Pico's memory instead. He finally has a lead on where his parents are.

He backed away, putting the sniper aside. He watched as Keith exited the wrecked place. He might as well follow him home if he doesn't want Senpai offing him yet.

You're My Target - Pico X Keith/BFWhere stories live. Discover now