Kai x Trans male reader

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((This kinda starts out a lil' angsty, then gets floofier later- So yeah, really floofy Kai, so that would make him a bit ooc, so, sorry 'bout that-))

(Also- This is kinda a thing for me, since I've been going through some stuff lately & I wanted some comfort- So this is gonna suck-)

°•Trigger warning: This kinda does have some darker themes to it, like, some cutting n' things like that, so if those things make you uncomfortable, then please, skip this chapter-•° 

"Why can't you just accept the fact I'm a guy, not your daughter!? I'm so sick & tired of this sh¡t!" You yelled at your mother, who had, again, misgendered you the entire time you were talking with her, & when you tried to gently correct her, just saying, "Could you please call me by he/him?" she went off on you & said you were her daughter, not her son. 

You honestly really were tired of this. Ever since you came out as trans to your family, almost everybody ignored it. They used she/her when talking to you, & would always call you by your deadname instead of your real name. The only person in your family that actually respected your pronouns was your stepdad, who was a decent person. 

So yeah, family reunions were a b¡tch to get through. 


You had just finished yelling at your mom, who just glared angrily at you. "Fuck it, I'm leaving. I hope you don't miss me, cuz I'm never talking to you again." You said as you stood up & walked out the door, meaning what you had said. You were fed up with this bullsh¡t. You stormed to your car, slammed the door shut, & sped home, aka the Shie Hassaikai base. 

Once you were there, you slammed the car door shut & stormed inside, almost forgetting to take your shoes off. But you did- You immediately made your way to the mini house thing within the building that you & Kai shared. It was quite deep underground, so it took a while to get there, but you got there sooner or later. You opened the door & walked inside, making a beeline to the bathroom. You were pretty sure Kai wasn't there, since he usually had some sort of business to attend to that time of day. 

When you were in the bathroom, you almost immediately reached for your hidden box, which was hidden underneath a few other things. You pulled it out from it's hiding place, before opening it. Inside was a couple of blades & pieces of broken glass, things you had saved for moments like this. You took one of the sharper blades & rolled up your sleeve, before slowly sliding the blade across your already scarred wrist, causing blood to immediately pour from the wound. 

You sighed, hating yourself for getting back into this habit. Just recently, Kai had been helping you through this, keeping you away from sharp things, or anything you could harm yourself with. He knew about your habits, & what caused them, so he always did his best to support you through those hard times, but it was a little difficult, having a Yakuza to run 'n all that- 

So, for those days, where you couldn't run into his arms, you would take your secret stash & use it. Kai thinks you've been clean for about 3 or 4 months now, but it's only been a week since you last did this. Since you always wore hoodies, Kai could never see your arms, which was nice for you. It let you add as many cuts as you wanted. 

You caused a couple more cuts, watching the blood pour from the wounds & onto the floor. This went on for a while, you had no idea how long though. Your arm was covered in blood, every inch of it. You honestly had no idea how you hadn't passed out from blood loss yet- 

You were about to do another one, when you heard the door open. "Angel, you home..?" You heard your boyfriend call out. 


Kai Chisaki/Overhaul x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now