Idk you yet

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(Ayo, look who's not dead- 

This is just a little chapter I wanted to make just to say I'm not dead, so this is probably gonna be short & suck, so-)

((Also, this is sort of a vent thing, since some things have sucked lately & I wanted to make a lil something for myself, so- This is gonna be written differently than the other chapters in this book, & might as well reveal my name-))

I stared at my photos, they were all just random screenshots of him. How could I love someone who didn't even exist? 

How can you miss someone you've never met? 

Cuz I need him now, but I don't know him yet...

I sat in the restroom at home, contemplating ending it all now. 

But can he find me soon because I'm in my head? 

Cuz I need him now, but I don't know him yet.. 

I held the knife in my hand, staring at my reflection in the smooth sliver. 

Yeah, lately it's been hard, they're selling me for parts...

I took the knife into my room, & locked the door. This was it. I could finally end it all here. No one would care, anyways.

And I don't wanna be modern art, but I've only got half a heart, to give, to him... 

I wrote a little note to the next person to find me.

"I never thought I'd die alone.

I laughed the loudest, who'd have known? 

I'm too depressed to go on.

You'll be sorry when I'm gone.

I never thought I'd die alone.

Another six months, I'll be unknown." 

(A lil extra reference-) 

I raised the knife above my stomach, preparing myself for the sharp pain I was about to feel. 


I gasped & dropped the knife. There he was. How was he real..? 

He walked over to me & took the knife from me, before throwing it across the room. He hugged me close as I began to cry. How was he here?

"It's ok, don't worry, I'm here..." He softly said as he stroked my hair. He walked to my bed & sat down, bringing me with him. We sat on my bed, him still holding me close. I cried for an hour, letting all that I had been bottling up, out. He didn't seem to mind, as he held me close the entire time. 

"I love you, ok? Don't ever forget that... Even if you move on, forget me, leave me behind, I will still always be here for you, no matter what. I love you." He said. 

Once I finished crying, he laid me down on the bed. "You should get some rest... Come back soon, alright? I'll be waiting for you..." He said before he kissed me. "Good night." He said before he turned around. "Wait!" I said as I sat up. "Mm? Yes?" He said as he turned around. 

"When can I see you again..?" I asked.

"... We'll just have to wait & see."

"If... If this is the last time I see you, can I at least... Can you hug me one last time?" I asked.

He nodded, before walking over to me, sat down next to me, & hugged me. I laid down, taking him with me, which he didn't seem to mind. I heard him whisper something to me, before I drifted off to sleep.

"I'll miss you."

(So there's that crappy load of sh¡t- 

I might delete this chapter later, it depends-) 

Kai Chisaki/Overhaul x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now