Accident (Nsfw)

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((woo, more nsfw sh-)

((Also- Sorta dom! Male reader & Sorta sub! Overhaul?? I dunno how else to explain it- Just... You'll see-))

Today was honestly tiring, you were glad to be home. You thought the rest of the day would be more relaxing, but... 

Of course it wasn't. 

You were in your room, you had just sat down when the door slammed open. "uH- Y/n??" You heard Setsuno, someone that worked for Overhaul who you had become friends with, called out. You sighed before standing up. 

"Y-Yea?" You called out before walking to the door, where Setsuno & Kurono were standing, a slumped Overhaul between them. He was barely standing up, the other two had to hold him up by his elbows. 

"... What happened to him?" You asked the two. Kurono immediately looked over at Setsuno, who looked away. "Setsuno? What happened?" You asked him, you honestly sounded like a scolding parent- 

"Uh, Overhaul.. Drank a lot of, uh,,, lemonade, which turned out to have alcohol in it,, that Rappa made..." Setsuno confessed. "Uh- Wha- Why the hell would Rappa make something like that?? Well- That actually makes sense.." You spoke to yourself as the two awkwardly stood there. Overhaul began to stir, which caused Setsuno & Kurono to throw Overhaul to you. "Welphe'syourproblemnow,seeyalaterY/n-" Setsuno said before running away. "Sorry- Just know... He's quite a handful like this." Kurono told you before closing the door & running after Setsuno. 

"Huh- y/N!" Overhaul exclaimed when he opened his eyes & saw you. He fell into your arms, you barely catching him on time. "Hehe, hai." Overhaul said as he smiled under his mask & waved. "Hey Kai-" You said as you sighed. "hEy, you wanna know something?? It's a fun faCt!" Kai asked you. Knowing his current state, you were ready for something stupid. ".. What?" You spoke. "I love you-" Kai said as he giggled. You rolled your eyes. "I love you too." You responded. 

"C'mere-" Kai said as he took your hand & dragged you to the couch. You followed, not really trying to resist anything. He pushed you back onto the couch, before climbing on top of you. He straddled you, resting on your thigh before laying his head on your chest. Woah woah woAH- Your eyes widened at this new position, was he gonna try- 

... He probably wasn't. After all, he was completely still. He was just kinda laying there, you honestly thought he was asleep. But after a minute or two of this, he began to slightly move. You jumped at the sudden movement. He buried his face into your neck, before you realized there was something a little... Hard resting on your thigh. He huffed before taking off his mask, setting it on the other side of the couch. Oh no- 

Part of you really didn't want to do this, after all, he was freaking drunk, & probably not aware of anything he was doing right now- But, the other part of you really wanted to do something, I mean, he was kinda asking for this... 

"Y/n~" He huffed out as he began to gently grind against your thigh. You could feel his warm breath on your neck as you shivered. "K-Kai, stop." You said as you placed your hands on his legs to stop him from moving. He whimpered, losing the friction that he wanted so badly. "W-What~?" He asked you, trying to move in some sort of way. "A-Are you sure you want to do this? Are you even aware of what you're doing? I don-" Kai cut you off by placing a gloved finger over your mouth. 

"Sshhhhhhhh... Yes, I'm sure I want to do this." He said, nodding. "A-Are you sure??" You asked again. Kai was getting a bit annoyed, I mean, he just sAid he was sure, why didn't you unDersTand?? "Yes, I'm sure. Now, please, touch me." He said, moving your hand lower. Kai was feeling oddly needy, like he needed you to touch him, or else he would diE- "O-Ok-" You said as you nodded, before letting go of his legs. You didn't want to make him upset, so... 

Kai Chisaki/Overhaul x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now