All I Want

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((We got an angst- 

This is based off of the song "All I Want" by Kodaline, I highly recommend you check out this song, since, one, this is based off of that song, and two, it's just a great song man-))


I decided to base this off of losing a partner, since that's what I think the song is about, and I've been through something like that, so- I based this off of how I felt & what I did when that happened, so yeah-)) 

((Also Also: I do have a request I'm working on, I'm just trying to figure out the intro, because I always have so much trouble with the intros- But, I pretty much have everything done on that one- And I have another one that I'm probably gonna release either today, tomorrow, or maybe the day after. Same with the request I'm working on, except it might take me a bit longer, I'll most likely have it done on either Monday or Tuesday, I'm sorry to the person who requested-)) 

Trigger warning: This chapter has su¡cide, death ((Obviously-)) & just dark shite, so, if ya don't like that stuff, then ya might want to skip this one- 

All I want, is nothing more, to hear you knocking at my door

Kai sat on his bed, staring at the few photos you had of you & him, a few stupid/silly ones, & a few serious ones. He tried to keep the tears from spilling as he thought back to all of the oddly fun times you had spent with him. Sure, you were very chaotic, & even stupid at times, but he honestly loved it. 

Cuz if I could see your face once more, I could die a happy man, I'm sure.. 

He gripped the photos in his hands, barely able to keep it in anymore. He angrily threw the photos to the side, before burying his face into his hands. He began to cry, even though he hated to. He felt it made him weak, but he knew he had to try to stay strong. 

When you said your last goodbye, I died a little bit inside

God, he was there when you died. But he was too late, he couldn't save you, even with his quirk. He felt so... guilty for not saving you, something he had almost never felt before. 

I lay in tears in bed all night, alone, without you by my side... 

He missed you, so much. 

But if you loved me, why'd you leave me? 

That was the question he constantly asked, more to himself than anything. After all, you were dead, & he couldn't talk to dead people, unfortunately... 

Take my body, take my body... 

Work was harder for him, since everything reminded him of you. His office, his desk, the hallways, god, even the precepts made him think of you. He hated it, all he wanted was for you to be back

All I want is, & all I need is, to find somebody, I'll find somebody... 

He tried to focus on work, but it was so hard. He could barely go though one day without crying. He was a mess, and others could tell. Kurono & others  constantly told him to take a break, but he refused. "I'm fine, I swear." He would say, but it was quite obvious he wasn't. 

See, you brought out the best in me, a part of me I'd never seen

At work, he would try to keep himself more composed. But, at home, he almost couldn't. He would cry, for a while. He hated it. He felt so, so... weak

You took my soul & wiped it clean, our love was made for movie screens... 

Weeks had gone by, & weeks turned into a month. It was getting harder for him to go on, he just couldn't. It was so difficult without you by his side. He never thought a single person would have this much of an impact on him, but you did. That just proves how important you were to him. 

But if you loved me, why'd you leave me? 

Take my body, take my body... 

After all, it was useless now, if he couldn't save you, or even see you. What was the point? 

All I want is, & all I need is, to find somebody, I'll find somebody... 

About two months after you died, he just couldn't take it anymore. Things were horrible for him, he just couldn't anymore. He ran to the bathroom, & found the nearest bottle of pills he could overdose on that would kill him easily. He grabbed them, & stared at the ingredients.

This will do. 

He screwed the cap off, before dumping about ten of them into his palm. He went to his room, grabbed a piece of paper & pencil, & wrote a note. He then took the pills in his hand, & stared at them. This was it. At least, he was gonna be able to see you again. 

He sighed, before taking them with a small sip of water from a nearby water bottle. Well, no turning back now. He lay down on the bed, feeling tired. He closed his eyes, before drifting off to sleep, never opening them again. 

((Welp, uh, there's that horrible thing- Sorry, it's probably badly written, but I just wanted to write something that involved Overhaul with a dead s/o- 

So, Overhaul was probably quite ooc for this one, I'm sorry-))

Kai Chisaki/Overhaul x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now