Chapter 6

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Zayn's POV

I nearly dropped the phone at his words, then heard him drop the phone and start sobbing. I heard it out side the front door, so I ran and opened it to see Liam on my door step sobbing into his hands. I dropped my phone and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into the house.

He was barefoot in a t-shirt and boxers, with the weather was about twenty degrees. He continued to sob into my chest as I guided him into the living room so I could wrap a blanket around his shivering body.

"Liam, what's wrong?" I asked him while holding him in my arms. He was still sobbing, but he choked out a few words.

"The dream! It never goes away!" He yelled and continued sobbing. I knew exactly what he was talking about and I never knew in this situation if I was doing to right thing. He threatened my children and Niall. He assulted Niall, yet here I am holding him in my arms.

"It will go away, you just need to think that it's over and it will be over." I told him and rubbed his back. He shook his head and clutched onto me. His brown eyes looked like he was pleading with me, begging me, to make it stop.

"I can't be here! It never ends! It gets worse and worse each night! I killed the babies! Those sweet babies I held in the hospital were gone because I'm a m-monster!" Liam yelled and started to stand up to leave. I grabbed his wrist, but he started to fight me.

"If I see it one more time, I'll go crazy! Let me end seeing it, please!" He screamed at me. Just before he got out of my grip, Niall came running into the room and wrapped his arms around Liam in a strong hug. Liam wrapped his arms around my boyfriend and sobbed into hair.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He cried while shaking. Niall kept mumbling how he forgave him and how he was alright. Liam seemed to clam down and not be wanting to leave so he could...

Oh god, he needs help. This isn't normal for anyone to deal with something like this in such a way. He always looks so sad, he's lost a lot of weight and he just looks completely tired all the time. He never leaves his house, unless it's to go to work and even then I know it's hard for him.

"I killed you're babies." He whispered to Niall. Niall let him go and looked at him with his sad blue eyes.

"Do you want to go hold them? They're perfectly fine, they're sleeping." Niall said and pulled Liam's hand to go up the stairs. Niall shot me a look to come with in case he went crazy. I ran to catch up with them.

We walked into the nursery and Niall went to pick up both babies and told Liam to sit in the rocking chair. Liam listened like a little boy would and wiped his eyes, waiting for the babies.

"Hold their heads, they're still really floppy." Niall told him and handed Aliyah to Liam, then Christopher. I stayed close by incase he had a freak attack, but instead he started to smile at the sleeping babies in his arms. Niall and I looked at each other for a second in a mixture of confusion and sadness, then back to Liam.

"Liam, how did you get here?" I asked while he seemed happier holding the babies. He shook his head and kissed the twins.

"I ran here." He said in a matter a fact tone. I took a step towards him and kneeled in front of him so I could make eye contact. He looked at me and cuddled the babies closet to him.

"You need to get some help, okay? We'll both be right by your side. But you need it, this is really dangerous Li Li." I told him slowly hoping he would stay calm, but also understand my words. He nodded and kissed the babies again. I take that as he didn't understand what I said.

"Zayn? I think, um..." Zayn said gesturing to Liam and the babies. I nodded and pat Liam's cold skin on his knee.

"The babies need to get to bed. Can I have Aliyah to put her to bed?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. I took my baby girl and put her in the crib, then got my son and put him in his crib too. I looked at Liam and saw tears rolling down his face. Niall wiped them and got Liam's hand to take him out of the room.

I closed the door to the nursery and went to find where they went. I found them in the bedroom next to ours, the one Niall slept in once when he first got here then slept in my bed every night since. Liam was laying in the bed while Niall tucked the blankets around him and pat his shoulder. I saw Liam's eyes closing with sleep, but I didn't want to leave him alone. I was scared to.

Niall walked over to me and kissed my cheek and yawned. I pat his bum and kissed his lips, hoping that would take away the somber feeling from him. This is my best friend, and my problem to deal with.

"Go to bed, I think I'll stay here in case he needs something." I whispered to him he nodded, probably knowing that he was going to be feeding the babies in a few minutes from now. Poor kid never sleeps anymore.

After he left the room, I went over to Liam and sat down next to him. His eyes opened and they looked just as sad as before. I ran my hand over the beard he was sporting now. He looked so much more manly than the kid I met in college. But he acted just as scared as that kid I met in college.

"Why do you want to end it Liam? Do you know how had that hurts me to know my best friend is in that much pain?" I whispered to him. He looked me in the eyes, then looked at the wall behind me.

"Have you ever been scared to fall asleep? Have you ever been sick to look at yourself in the mirror? Most likely you haven't, but I do every single day of my life. That day haunts me and taints my life. I can't go in the kitchen at work without seeing his scared face, without hearing my words or his screams. Every night I see it and it gets worse and worse. More gruesome than the night before. I wake up and don't know the difference between my dreams and real life. It's scary to live in my mind, and I sometimes can't handle it. It seems like the only way to get away from it. That, or holding those little babies." He smiled weakly at the end, then grabbed my hand and closed his eyes.

After a few minutes his breathing was deeper and I knew he was asleep, but I didn't move. I didn't dare let go of his hand, I held it tighter. I held it tighter hoping that would be the thing to save him from falling.

A/N: so that's what's going on with Li, I'm excited to write the next few chapters with this because this will be so important! Comment / Vote!
                                - Bri;)

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