Chapter 11

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Niall's POV

Harry let go of my hand as we walked into his bedroom and he went to go get something from his closet. I stood there with my heart pounding in my chest, wondering why I'm in here with him. My eyes scanned the room and it was pretty normal, by his bed he hand a picture of him and Louis then there was a picture of him Zayn and Liam looking allot younger. The strong smell of his cologne and natural smell invaded my nose, but it was a nice smell.

"Here, this is for you." He said as he pulled out a box from his closet along with some joggers. I went over and got the box while he got dressed, well he just got something on to cover his lower area better. He still had no shirt on, revealing his tattoos and nice abs.

I looked down at the box and took the lid off because you don't give me a box and expect me to leave it alone. Inside were two small scrapbooks, one pink and one blue. I looked up at Harry and saw him nervously bitting his lip.

"I made those for the twins. It's just pictures of my family and me. It has some of my report cards in there and history of any sickness I had and other facts about me. Just so they know more about me."He told me. I held the box in one hand and opened one of the books, slowly revealing a baby picture of Harry. I smiled at it and flipped through the next pages until I found a copy of his final grades in Uni. It was straight A's, ranking him top twenty of his class. I hope that compensates for my stupidity when the twins are in school.

"Thanks for this, but why did you give it to me?" I asked after closing the box. He sat on the edge of the bed and pat a place next  to him. I followed his order and waited for an answer.

"I made it incase you didn't make the right decision in coming to be here with me. I want them to know who they really are, not whatever Zayn wants to tell them. You don't understand how much he's always stressed not wanting to be a dad. We all know Zayn, he's a free spirit that gets bored with things quickly. He changes quickly when he gets bored with something because he hates being told what to do or given limits. I don't want that for you when he changes his mind about being their father or even being the one to take care of you. You're young and Zayn is pretty attractive, so I know that's all your mind is thinking now. Not if one day down the road he'll realize he doesn't have what he wants."

Harry finished taking and grabbed my hand in his. I looked down at the tattoo on his hand and how big his hands were holding mine. He leaned over to kiss my cheek, but I stood up and moved from his grip.

"I know Zayn wants to be a dad, just by watching him with those babies, I see it. You can't just tell me all this shit and expect me to believe it just because we have children together. I know I'm making the right decision right now in saying no. No, I don't want to move in with you. No, I don't want you part of my children's lives and no, you aren't what's best for them. Thanks for the books because that's about all they'll know of you." I told him and got the box off the bed. He grabbed me by the waist and and turned my so I was in between his legs.

"I know you remember how good I made you feel that night. That can be every night. I know you remember how it felt and I do too. I want you, Niall. That's the reason I broke up with Louis a few days ago. He knew it would always be you no matter what. I know you want me too." He told me in a deep voice that sent shivers down my spine. I shook my head and tried to tell him to let go, but he stood up and swiftly stuck his hand down my sweats. That was all it too for me to punch him in the eye, then knee him in the groin.

"Don't ever come near me or my family again." I told him in a calm voice. He was on the floor curled up in pain, but I didn't care. A slut is all he wanted me for and that's all he sees me as. Someone to bang and leave, not the person that gave birth to his children. I thought he actually had a kind heart for wanting to be part or my kids life, instead he just wants me for other reasons that I don't want to be apart of.

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