Chapter 25

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Zayn's POV

I went and pulled Louis away from hitting the doctor, wrapping him in my arms. His legs gave out as he screamed in pain. My own tears fell as I held the small lad close to me and fell to the floor with him.

"Sir, we're doing all we can. Just remember he's still breathing and he's still here, he's just lost allot of blood and needs to go into surgery." The doctor told Louis while crouching down to where we both were on the floor. I looked at the doctor and shook my head.

"What did he do?" I asked with more tears rolling down my face, landing in Louis hair.

"Cut a main artery, bottle of antidepressants and hung himself. Mr.Tomlinson is lucky he got there when he did, a second longer would have been it. I'll be out again after Liam gets out of surgery." He told me and pat Louis' knee. We both stayed on the floor, crying in each others arms as the doctor went back behind doors we weren't allowed to go through.

"I don't hate you, Zayn. I'm sorry I yelled at y-you." Louis cried, making my heart break at the fact he was apologising for what he told me on the phone while his boyfriend just tried to kill himself because of my stupidity. I kissed his cheek and ran my hand through his hair.

"I know, let's get you in a chair so we can wait." I whispered to him. He nodded and we both got up and sat in two chairs, but I only sat for a few minutes holding Louis in my arms before my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was an unknown number, so I answered.

"Hello?" I asked, but heard two babies crying in the background.

"Niall's been taken, get home now!" An Australian voice shakily yelled at me. I stood up and nearly ran out of the hospital, but Louis grabbed my hand.

"I have to go home. Niall! I just have to go home! Call me if anything changes with Liam." I told him and ran out to my car. I called the police while I started to drive like a maniac out of the parking lot. I explained to the operator what had happened earlier with Niall's car and now this. The man told me he was sending officers to my house immediately.

I don't know how I did it so fast, but I got home allot faster than I expected. There were already police officers looking at the car and taking pictures of it, as well as some going in and out of the house. I ran inside to go look for the boy that called me and for my kids. I found all three sitting on the stairs talking to a police officer. I went over to him and took my two crying children out of the teenage boys arms. I kissed them up and looked at the boy who had a nasty bruse on his temple and tears rolling down his face as he looked at me.

"I'm s-sorry I didn't save him. I tried so hard! I'm sorry!" He cried at me, but I wasn't even the least bit mad at him. I reached my hand out to pat his shoulder, but he screamed and flinched from me.

"Don't hit me! I didn't mean to!" He cried, making my heart break. I slowly sat next to him with both kids on my lap and looked him in the eyes.

"You're alright, Luke. You're alright." I told him while rubbing his back. He cried and leaned into me.

"I watched Niall getting... I never want anyone else to go through what I have to everyday, but I let it happen! He told me to stay with the twins outside no matter what I saw or heard, so I listened. But I looked in the window and he was hitting him so hard and taking off his clothes! Niall didn't even move when he started touching him!" Luke told me frantically, the police officers writing down the information given.

My phone rang in my pocket telling me I got a text. I fished it out, and saw it was a text from Niall. I handing both twins to Luke and read over what it said. Harry has him in a car taking him who knows where. I then got a ping on my phone saying someone in my cell phone plan just activated their GPS tracking system.

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