Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

"Stop splashing the water at me!" I whined at the seven month old twins that I was bathing. They both smiled, showing off their dimples and slapped their arms to the water again. I rolled my eyes and rinsed the soap off their chubby bodies.

To say time has really flown doesn't really express how quickly my babies are growing up. They sit up by themselves now, they roll over, they're starting to use their fine motor skill, they've just been growing up so fast it's incredible. I'm just glad Zayn has been right there beside me to see this all happen. He gets so excited when they do new things, he immediately calls him mum to tell her, it's just adorable to watch.

"Nialler, they won't stop splashing water at you because it's funny to watch you whine." Zayn said as he was walking into the bathroom with three fresh towels. I turned to glare at him, but that huge smile on his face and the way he was looking at me was enough for me to just smile back.

Zayn kneeled down beside me and got one of the chubby babies out of the bath tub. Aliyah was giggling and reaching her tiny baby arms out to Zayn, making him laugh as he wrapped her in a towel. I got Christopher out and wrapped him up too. Both the twins hair immediately started to curl up as we dried them off. For me, it reminded me of bad things and I wished they didn't look so much like... him, but for Zayn he just thought it was cute and ignored who in their DNA gave that trait to them.

We both took the twins to their nursery to get them dressed for the day, but in the middle of doing so, Louis and Liam walked in. They seemed to always be together these past few months. I even made a bet with Zayn that they'll get together soon, but he told me I was crazy. I don't care, I'm still wanting it to happen. They both deserve to be happy after everything they've been through.

"The babysitters are here! Zayn, go do whatever the hell you have planned and give me the curly balls of chub you two calls babies!" Louis said loudly. I looked at Zayn in confusion, but he just smiled and took Christopher from my arms. He gave a baby to both the guys, making Liam smile at the fact Aliyah was reaching for his beard, then he took my hand.

"See you guys later!" Zayn said and ran with me following him out of the room, and down the stairs. He slipped on his Vans and I followed his lead, still confused of what was exactly happening. The crazy black haired man grabbed the car keys and drug me out of the house in to the warm summer weather.

"Zayn! What are we doing?" I asked him. He laughed and opened my car door, but after he kissed me.

"I'm taking you on a date." He whispered into my ear and placed a kiss below it. I shivered and smiled at his words.

After we got in the car, we started driving down the street with our hands tangled together and the music up loud. This is the way I love to be with Zayn. Just spending time with him and seeing him smile. Nothing else could be more perfect.

We got to a park that had only a few people there, but it was a beautiful park. Zayn got out and came to open my door for me. He then got a picnic basket from the back seat that I didn't even notice was there. Both of us walked hand and in hand through the park until we found a perfect spot that was shaded by trees, but not too much where the sun was completely hidden.

"So you planned this?" I asked him as he laid down a blanket and both of us sat down on it.

"Well, we haven't been able to do much alone because of the twins so I wanted to do something." He told me while pulling out a football from the basket and tossing it to me.

"When we first met, you told me you loved football. Now, there's a difference from loving the sport and being good at it." Zayn joked at me. It took me no time before I was standing up and kicking the ball around with my feet.

Little Bird (Ziall Horlik) M-pregWhere stories live. Discover now