Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

It was already 8:30 and Zayn still wasn't home yet. I had been waiting in the living for him and calling him, but it would ring with no answer. I knew it was like him sometimes to get caught up in painting or drawing and he wouldn't answer his phone or even know someone was in the same room as him. But, in had a feeling this was different.

When I got off the phone with him, he was telling me that he would bring home dinner and we were making other eventful plans of the evening. I just had a gut feeling this wasn't a good thing. I told myself I was overreacting because I have literally gotten maybe three full hours of sleep with the babies home and I'm worried about Liam being here like all the time.

I sat on the couch for thirty more minutes and couldn't take it anymore. This was completely crazy because no one needs to take that along at a museum when the whole place closes at 6:00. I got my shoes on and one of Zayn's jackets on, then ran up the stairs to the nursery.

Liam was sitting on the rocking chair with both babies in his arms while he was talking to them about funny things Zayn and him had done in the past. He was fine here alone, right? I don't really have much choice because I have to go drag a little Bradford boy back home. I guess having kids at sixteen really makes you grow up completely. Other than the teenage hormones, those are still the same and just as great.

"Liam, I need to go out for a few minutes. Can you stay here with them and watch them? They don't need anything because we already bathed them and they ate and they're in their pajamas, so just sit here with them. Don't move from this room, just keep them in here in your arms. Unless you have to wee, then put them down. Okay?" I asked him, covering eveything thing that might put my children in danger leaving them with the half crazy man. He smiled at me and nodded.

"I've got them. You go do what you have to do. I promise I'll take care of them." He told me, but I still wasn't relaxed. I've never been out of the room for too long, much less leaving the house from them.

"Niall, it's fine. I know how to take care of them if they need anything. I'm sure they won't, but I have it. Go do whatever you have to do." He told me again. I nodded and kissed both of my children in the head, then ran down the stairs to get the keys for one of Zayn's many cars.

I was driving to the museum when I saw red and blue flashing lights up in the distance. I sped up a little, and realized how close it was to the museum. It was probably just past it or something. I kept driving, but was stopped by a line of officers, news reporters, paparazzi, a crowd of people and caution tape. Only one building down was the museum which is were all of the commotion was happening with the police running around.

I parked the car and jumped out, running past the tape and ignoring the policemen. I had just made it to the front of the museum doors when two men grabbed my arms pulling me away from them.

"Let go of me! My boyfriend is in there!" I screamed at them. They both stopped and turned me around to look at me. They were two police officers that must have known my face from those magazines that Zayn and I were in or the news or pretty much everything.

"Look, we can't have you near this area. It will tamper with the crime scene and-"

"Crime scene? Where's Zayn? Tell me right now where Zayn is and I'll listen to whatever bullshit you have to say." I told them feeling my stomach turn as my heart was pounding in my chest. They looked at each other then took off their hats, placing them over their hearts. I shook my head and felt like everything was going in slow motion.

"We're truly sorry, but Zayn Malik was attacked in that ally way and he's-"

"Don't say it! Don't! I don't want to know! We have two babies at home, we had plans for tonight! We were going to get married one day and have more babies! Don't say what's next because I don't want know that the only thing in my life that actually loves me is gone!" I screamed at them, hot tears streaming down my face. They both placed their hands on my shoulder shaking their heads. One leaned into my ear and started whispering.

"He's in surgery at the best hospital in London. If we let that information out, we have a feeling the attacker will come back for him and know his location. We can take you there now." He told me. My legs collapsed from under me and they both had to catch me. I was sobbing loudly, just so relieved that my Zayn was still here.

They both walked/carried me to the one of their police cars and set me in the passenger seat. The one of them came running over and he jumped in the car and sped off through the crowed of people to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, I jumped out of the car even before it stopped and ran in. I just need to know if he's alright, he's a dad and the man I love. He has to be alright. I asked the lady at the front desk where my boyfriend was and she just told me a doctor would be out in a minute, but to contact family members while I waited.

I felt like I was in a state of shock. Nothing made sense and none of this was right. Zayn can't be hurt. Zayn can't be anything but my strong boyfriend and a wonderful dad. He was just telling me how much he loved me, we were joking over the phone. This isn't even possible to be happening.

I pulled the phone Zayn bought me out of my pocket and with shaky hands, I called the only person I knew would be strong enough to handle this, maybe even come here.

"Niall! It's been a while, how are the twins?" Zayn's mum's voice spoke through the phone. I cleared my throat and picked at a loose string on my jeans, the keep myself distracted from crying.

"Do you think you could come to London?" I asked feeling my throat closing up. I have to be strong just for these few minutes.

"What's wrong, Niall? Is everything fine?" She asked me with a worry filling her voice. I couldn't tell her that there son was just attacked. I don't even know how severe it was, so how could I tell his mum over the phone this information. It was the right thing though.

"Zayn was... Zayn needs you guys here. He was attacked outside his museum I guess. No one can know about his state or condition because of safty concerns, but Zayn needs you guys down here. He's in surgery now, but that's all I've been told." I  told her, letting some tears fall.

"We're in our way now." She chocked out then hung up. I just sat in the waiting room staring at the door, waiting for a doctor to come out and soon one did. He had a grim expression on his face as he looked at me, probably knowing I'm here for Zayn. He came and sat down in the chair next to me  and wrapped one arm around my shoulders.

"He alright right. Thirteen stab wounds, but he's alright. He's breathing on his own and he's being wheeled into the recovery room." The doctor told me in a low voice, but I could feel how happy he was. I broke down in tears and felt like I could finally breath. I couldn't imagine if I lost him.

"We had to do a blood transfusion on him, but when we tested his blood, just after we did it, the tests were picking up something very concerning." I wiped my tears and looked at the doctor for what was about to come. I thought hearing he had thirteen stab wounds was the worst news, but now there's something more. Something I wasn't sure if I could handle hearing it after all I've been through in just these hours.

The doctor took a deep breath and squeezed my shoulder. I looked at him and he looked back at me, like he was trying to read how my reaction would be. His mouth opened, and let me tell you, I wish it never did.

"We only tested his blood once and we have already sent off another sample to the labs for better results, but we saw it once and that concerns us. Zayn's blood tested positive for HIV/Aids."

A/N: and the roller-coaster begins! Comment / Vote!
                            - Bri;)

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