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I was woken up from high pitch screams of fear. I looked over at the clock, it read 2:26 am. Rubbing my eyes I dashed to where the screams were coming from. As I turned my room, I realized those were Ariana's screams. I yanked her door open and whipped on the lights to see her moving rapidly in place, her covers tangled up all around her petite body. She looked so so-

I was cut off by another scream mixed with uncontrolled tears and whimpering escaping her mouth. "NO NO STOP STOP"

Moving closer to her, I shook her, "ariana wake up, wake up" I repeated trying to pry her from her heavy hearted dream. Ariana reacted as I shook and called out her name. She gasped and looked up at me, "j-jas-s-on?" she questioned hesitating, squinting her eyes from the sudden change of light. She looked at me surprised that I was here.

"It's me, baby" I just tend to call girl pet names so I decided why not with this girl, especially because the bet is still happening, I mean just because she's sad doesn't mean the bet isn't continuing, right.

She started breathing heavily and trying to calm herself down. "Breathe baby girl, breath" I talked, trying to calm her down. She let the warm tears go down her cheeks, now not saying a word, but just fiercely shaking her head. I grabbed her and put her in the crook of my neck, feeling her damp tears spill all over my bare torso.

"It was just a nightmare" I tried reassuring her, tucking her back into her covers. "I'm sorry for waking you up, Jason " she mumbled, wiping her big brown eyes.

"It's alright, just go back to sleep" I got up from the bed ready to leave.

"I wish it was that easy" I heard her whisper, clearly she didn't want me to hear, but I did.

"Jason? Can you do me a favor ?" She asked, hesitant and nervous evident.

"shoot" I replied. "C-can you stay with me ?" She nervously asked, I was surprised that she asked me that, but looking at her, she was sad and vulnerably beautiful. But I'm only staying because of the bet, this could get me closer to her. It could actually work this way.

"Sure" I turned off the lights and hopped in next to her, she seemed hesitant about getting near me, she was so innocent, it was cute.

I pulled her close and she laid her head on my chest. Laying with her brought me this sort of relaxation, some sort of ease and tranquility.

"Night Ari" I mumbled shutting my eyes, sleep consuming me within seconds.


a r i a n a

the sun's rays came through my window as I squinted, just woken up.
I look up to find my head on a sleeping Jason and that's when I recall last nights events.

I can't believe Jason saw me like that, I mean living here I expected it, but didn't want it to happen on the first week here. I get the same dreams at least once a week.

I get the flashbacks and see Jason lying next to me, his head turned in my direction, giving me a clear look of his features. God, he was attractive.

"How you feeling, princess?" He questioned, ruffling his dirty blonde hair.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry for making you stay here, it was unprofessional of me, my apologies once again" I stated getting up from my bed and moving to the edge of the bed, keeping a far distance of Jason.

"There's no need to apologize Ms. Butera" he replied getting up, walking over to me, my breathe hitching as he was kneeling down, we were now face to face. I didn't know how to react. I froze in spot once I gulped.

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