XIV- Realization

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"I've been through things, things I shouldn't do... It doesn't feel right and it doesn't feel fair"

Chapter 14;

a r i a n a

Sitting in my room, I groaned, closing the Apple air on my lap. I combed my fingers through my hair and set the laptop over my side.

I was overly bored and I needed some type of entertainment, because I was done just sitting on my ass and on my laptop.

I pushed the covers out of my way, and stepped on the hard wood floor.

"Jas?" I questioned, looking out my door, into the dark hallway of our mansion.

"Yeah, babe ?" Jason came out of his room, a beige towel in his hand and shaking his wet hair.

"I was wondering if we could go out somewhere" I leaned against the doorframe, Jason being directly in front of me.

"Um yeah, well do you wanna go to a club?" He licked his lips, I didn't think that was too bad, i mean, how bad could it go ?

"That sounds good" I nodded, softly smiling.


An hour later, I was all set in a black jumpsuit, that fit well around my ass and showed some bit of cleavage.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, my brown curls cascading down my exposed shoulders.

"Ari, let's go" Jason loudly knocked at my door, causing me to swing the door right away, causing him to tumble a little.

I giggled when he tried to play it off cooly, but just ended up tripping more.

"What the f-" his voice was coming out angry, but he cut himself off.

"Damn, y-you look beautiful" that's when I saw a glimpse in his eyes, but he quickly looked down, he cleared his throat, "the car is in the driveway" he turned on his heels and walked down the stairs.

What the actual hell ? What was that ? I don't know. I just shrugged it off and went to find him sitting in the Bugatti, his hands folding at the steering wheel.

Jason was looking down, shaking his head, repeating the words "I can't anymore" he put his hands, against his face, rubbing his eyes,

"Jas" I whispered, slightly shaking it, he snapped out of his trance and looked up at me.

"Princess" he smiled softly at me. Grabbing my arm, gently, he moved me closer to him and pecked my lips. My whole body feeling tingly, and feeling cared for. I felt something every time his body came into contact with mine.

He nodded his head and dragged his bottom lip into his mouth. Not saying another word, he started the ignition.


With Jason's abnormal speed, we arrived ten minutes earlier than expected. I sighed as I saw girls that were super revealing, now asking myself what I had gotten into.

"Princess" Jason stopped me as we were walking to the entrance of the club, I stopped and faced him. He took a hold of both my arms and looked directly at my eyes, "stay close to me" I nodded and he replied with a 'good'.

He reached for my hand and we started walking, talking about the latest episode of PLL, told that dumbaśs aria wasn't A.

"I still think Aria is A" Jason produced a small smile, flashing his pearly white teeth at me. I rolled my eyes "well Jas, you're stupid" I smirked.

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