XIX- Feelings

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Chapter 19
(look at hot my momma is at the media)

J  A S O N

Giselle's giggles covered the whole restaurant as I told her some old stories.

"But seriously, why are you in the gang industry?" I questioned her, taking a bit of my pepperoni pizza.

Giselle took a deep breath before responding, "actually it started with my brother being in one years ago so I adapted to it, after being in one, you can't really go back to a normal life so I stayed" she nodded, moving her straight hair over to one side.

"Which gang is your brother in?" I couldn't risk her being here if her brother was an enemy. I saw her eyes droop, she looked down at her lap, twiddling her fingers.

"Actually" she started, "he uh died two years ago" her eyes were glistening with tears. Damn, here i was being a dumbfück.

"I didn't know I'm -"

"Jason it's alright, you didn't know" she lightly smiled, her light lips flashing me her pearly white teeth.

"So you have a boyfriend?" I asked her, raising my eyebrow at her. She chocked on the drink she was sipping.

"Um no, why?" She responded, hesitant of knowing why, I only smirked.

"Well actually.."

a r i a n a

"Don't touch me Jacob" I hissed as he placed a hand on my arm. Looking him dead in the eyes. If looks could kill, he would be ten feet under.

"Aribear, just tell me this, tell me when you kiss me you don't feel a connection or butterflies, tell me that" he pleaded his eyes aching for the truth.

"I feel nothing when my lips lock with yours Jacob, I'm sorry, you're just not fit for me" I sighed, my demeanor changing, feeling bad about my best friend. Imagine loving someone so much and they love someone else. Damn.

"Go to him, be happy, I want you happy, but fück you're gonna get hurt ari" he groaned, rubbing his temples as he leaned against his leather couch.

"I don't think that'll happen Jac, but my heart yearns for him and no one else" I rambled, smiling slightly about how happy I am with Jason, I mean not exactly right now, but my love for him is still there. I believe my love for Jason is strong and it'll always be there, no matter what.


The car ride back home was filled with my playlist consisting of Adele and Drake. They're so different, but both make me feel some type of way with their music.

I slammed the door as I exited out the BMW. My hair blew slightly in the spring air. I was complementing whether telling Jason that I do love him. I sucked it up and told myself "it's time, ariana" taking a deep breath, my slender arm took a hold of the metal knob, opening it, my nose hit with the strong scent I vanilla.

I walked into the living room, nothing, I hadn't paid too much attention to see if Jason's car was parked outside, but I had just assumed he was here.

I went into his office, maybe he was here, and he was but my breath slightly hitched at the sight of a female talking to him, making a smile erupt on his light face. The crinkles in his button shaped nose appeared as he slightly chuckled at something she had told him.

"Jason" I made my presence known, causing him to turn in my direction. He just stared. Nothing came out of his mouth. As I was nothing to him, he went back into conversation, but then looked back up noticing I was still by the door, shocked at how immature he was acting.

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