XXI - goodbye

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'I say goodbye my love, with a goodbye to which my heart refuses and for which my soul tortures me'

Chapter 21.




McCann, you said that you wanted to make this bet to make your maid fall in love with you, she's in love with you ain't she? So guess what you already won" he smirked, his elbows connecting with the wooden desk.

"Good job McCann, you won" he chuckled, "but I think ya lost the girl" I was confused with his words, as he spoon his head and looked at the slightly open door, seeing a teary eyed Ariana, her hand covering her face, completely flabbergasted.

Seeing her so broken down, I knew she had only heard the last bit of conversation, just hearing Ryan talk about the bet. She thought I still only cared about the bet. My heart along with hers at this point was slowly yet with such immense speed was shattering.

"Ariana!" I yelled, going after her to try to stop her from leaving. She can't leave without me explaining everything to her. I needed to speak to her.

I turned every corner, finding her coming down the stairs with only a small bag, she seemed in a rush to leave, and I gave her every reason for her to do exactly what she is doing.

Hot tears rolled down her face, she looked up at me for a split second once she heard me approach, she quickly went back to looking straight ahead.

"Princess please let me-" I couldn't even finish my sentence, she had stopped me, "don't call me that" she spat, but pain evident in her anger.

"Just let me explain, please" I softly spoke to her, she shook her head," I think yove done enough talking" she dragged her bag along with her, getting close to the front door.

"Please Ari, just a minute" I grabbed her wrists, her brown eyes looked directly into mine, "a minute but you have to explain it all now" her voice was weak, tears were still coming out of her beautiful brown eyes, and it was all my fault. I put her into this pain. I caused this.

"It started when you first arrived, Ryan and I made a foolish bet, and I went along with it, but I fell for you in the process of faking it, I realized that you meant more than I could ever imagine, believe me, I care about you, so much, so much" I try to persuade her with the truth, telling her that I do indeed like her and that, for sure isn't lies.

"I was just a bet, when we went to Seaworld and Puerto Rico, you did all that friendship and affection for what, just for what" more tears escaped her eyes as she questioned herself and me.

"I'm sorry" was all I could muster up, I didn't know what else to say to her at this point. She probably didn't believe that I do care, and I have no idea anymore on how to change that.

"It's too late to say sorry" she replied, seeing her so down and knowing what decision she would make today, tears were on the verge of escaping my eyes. I cant loose her.

"Don't leave me please" my voice cracked slightly as she looked up at me.

"You're the one who made that decision, you" she enhaled deeply, "you made the choice of loosing me, what did you expect, Mccann, me being here as you lied straight to my face all the time? That isn't a life, at least not the life that I want live" her lips rubbed together, as I could tell that she didn't want any tears to pour out.

"I know what I did was wrong, but don't ever believe that I don't have any feelings for you, I do I fucking do" I pulled at my dirty blonde tips.

"Well you got a real fucked up way of showing them" she shook her head, I could tell that she wanted to leave, but I couldn't let go. She meant too much. I knew that all along but I always failed to notice it.

"Don't walk out that door, ari,
please" she looked up at me, searching my eyes. She sighed, but shook her head.

"There's a lot of things I need to figure out, but you, you Jason McCann you brought me to new feelings I've never felt before, but now I regret letting you in, you're a horrible person" she snatched her hand away from me.

Ariana stepped away. Opening the door, I saw her walk out, but I proceeded to chase after her. Her words were like a knife straight into my heart. This was all too much, this wasn't what I wanted. I wanted her, I know that.

"Ariana, what I did was wrong, please realize that I regret it, realize that you've made me a better person, but if you leave I'm fuvking scared I'm gonna turn back to my old self, I need you Ariana, and I finally realized I can't be without you, I love you Ariana, I do- I love you" the words escaped so smoothly because everything I just poured out to Ariana were my true, genuine feelings. I love Ariana and I can't believe I would ever love someone like this. I realized that I loved. I loved more than just the thought of her. I loved everything about her.

Ariana was at a lost for words I just confessed I loved her and I think that's getting a toll on her.

"No, no no no no" Ariana let out, "don't" her hands ran through her face, "you can't say all that to me" she pointed her finger at me.

"Don't lie to me!" She yelled, I knew she couldn't hold in all her ongoing emotions.

"I'm not, just believe me!"

"It's not easy anymore" she whispered, "goodbye Jason" my eyebrows furrowed, I looked up seeing a yellow taxi cab parked out side the gate.

This was it, this was Ariana walking away because I gave her the reason to. This was the definition of heartbreak. Seeing the person you love walk away from you and move to another direction.

I didn't expect the day that I would care so much about someone. Let alone love, and on the same day I realize that I love someone, that that would be the day that they left me. I really love her, and now being without her would change me.

Because of this day, I fell back to the old Jason.

// end of mccann's maid\\
short, but this is the way I wanted it to end
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