X - Tempations

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Chapter 10 ; Temptations

word count : 2113

{look a my babes^}

a r i a n a

I pulled harshly at Jason's dirty brown hair as we continued to makeout on top of our bed. Jason's actions got sloppy as he moved down to my neck, leaving open mouth kisses, all over, once he reached my sweet spot, I let out an audible moan, causing Jason to smirk against my skin.

"Found it" he chuckled. I was wearing booty shorts with an oversized tshirt. I felt Jason's long and slender fingers push up my shirt, making it go over my head and he tossed it over to the side as he reconnected his plump lips to my own.

His fingers made it's way to my shorts, his fingers slipping over my underwear, a shaky moan left my lips, but before this went any further. I pushed his chest away, "that's enough" I cleared my throat, tossing my hair over my right shoulder, getting up and bending down to get my tshirt which was now laying on the hardwood floor.

"I didn't mean for that to go far, I'm sorry, I just got carried away" I heard Jason from behind me as I slipped my baggy blue shirt back into place.

I look back and see Jason sitting in the Indian style position. "It's fine, not like I told you to stop or not to before, trust me I was enjoying it" I lightly laughed, once I slid back into bed with Jason.

"I kinda heard that you were enjoying it, don't need any official clarifying" Jason remarked, causing me to roll my eyes, looking at him.

"You so are a coçky aśshóle, oh my God" I hit his chest playfully, as I heard him chuckle lowly.

"But I'm your coçky asśhole" he smirked, "oh my god, shut up, Jason " I giggled, turning my body over to turn off the light.

"So this is part of the 'we'll see where we'll take it' plan?" I air quoted the talk we had earlier today about where we'll take 'us'.

"Yes, princess, we'll take it from here" he pulled me close to him, kissing the top of my head.

"But what does this make us?" I questioned, I know this was needy and just I don't know, but when I kiss Jason and when I'm around Jason. I feel all tingly and amazing, I wanted to know he felt the same too.

Even with the lights off I saw this glint in Jason's hazel eyes when i said that and a light smirk on his face formed.

"Let's get some sleep princess, we'll talk once we get home" I nodded leaning back onto his chest, placing my hand at the bottom of his stomach.


"But I want sausage instead of bacon" I huffed at this tall dark haired girl who was taking Jason and my order.

The girl in the diner was pissing me off with her attitude, I don't need your dàmn bitçhiness when I want food.

"We can't do that" she remarked, chewing loudly on her gum.

"Oh the hełl you can and you surely will, now give me what I want" I put my menu down now getting extra pissed at this chick.

She rolled her eyes and mumbled a "whatever" and turned at the other direction where Jason was watching with an amused look on his face.

She smiled at jas and turned into this other girl, she started batting her fake ugly aśs lashes and moved her hair out of the way so her boobs were visible.

Jason had his phone in his hand as he told her what he wanted, I saw this small glint in her eyes as I saw her look at his phone, hoe don't do it.

She grabbed a piece of paper from her notecard, and scribbled something down "here's my number, call me"

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