VIII confessions

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chapter 8 ;


word count ; 2013

song for the chapter ;
Halo by Beyonce

"Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away"


I waited downstairs, running my long fingers through my dirty blonde ringlets. I examined my phone once again for about the tenth time, displaying the time at the screen ; 6:12 and we had to be at the airport at 6:30. I leaned against the door, my one suitcase standing next to me, as I waited longer for Ariana. God, this girl was slow.

After about waiting five more minutes, Ariana finally took the liberty to stroll down the stairs, her hair tied back in a very high ponytail, very light makeup present on her tan face, wearing high waisted jeans I had bought her the day prior when we went to the mall and she basically fell in love with everything. She also wore a black crop top, exposing a bit of her slim stomach. She looked very nice, even with a minimum effort.

"Morning" the words rolled off my tongue as she forced her two suitcase down the last step.

She let out an exhausted sigh as she finally managed to get the suitcases down the stairs. She looked up and gave me a small smile, "good morning" she replied as she played with some knots on her ponytail.

"Ya ready?" she nodded, so I walked over to the garage, getting ready to start the car, but stopped when I heard a groan. Ariana was desperately trying to manage both of her very full suitcases.

I laughed a bit at her and shook my head, walking in her direction, getting one of her suitcases while I got my suitcase, "you know we're only gonna be there for a week" I waved my hands as we walked out to the garage.

"I know, that's why I only brought two suitcases" she explained, I only rolled my eyes, this girl.


"How much longer" Ariana groaned facing out the window of the airplane. She wasn't very amused at the idea of flying, but she did very much enjoy going to Puerto Rico. I just learned Ariana was half Italian, half Puerto Rican, I also inquired that her Puerto Rican side gave her those curves, can't wait to see them in a bikini. Not my main concern going to Puerto Rico though.

"How come I feel like you're constantly asking me this question" I groaned, shaking my head, lowly chuckling.

"Cauuuuse I want to be there nooow" she whined, being over-exaggerated with her words. "We're almost there, about half an hour more" she just nodded slowly, laying her head on my shoulder, the small gesture, making me feel some sort of strange, unknown way. I shook it off as I heard Ariana's low breathes from my right shoulder.

Looking over, I noticed her long lashes, reaching her distinct cheekbones. Her cute cheeks, rosy. God, this was so strange feeling bad for someone, I only showed real emotions to my family or really close friends. I felt bad for playing her on though, she was such a genuinely good girl, it was strange. These last couple of days she has been a good companion, she was actually considered my friend.

I can't let this get to me though, I constantly reminded myself as I see Ariana everyday at the house, softly singing as she cleaned that I did not feel anything for her, in a "like-like" sort of way.

My thoughts got hindered as the intercom went off, my attention going to that and Ariana now stirring at my side, "everyone please remain seated as we safely land in Puerto Rico, enjoy" the lady addressed.

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