XVII- Birthday

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Chapter 17;

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Saturday morning

I was awoken by light body weight on-top of me. I opened my eyes and was met with a very smily ariana.

"Happy birthday, handsome" she kissed my cheek before hopping off of me.

"Thanks princess, but I'm getting too old so nothing happy about that" I slightly chuckled.

Ariana playfully rolled her eyes, "Jason you're twenty three not eighty" she replied while looking around at her closet, which is in my room now. We decided to officially be sleeping in the same room so all her belongings are now in my room.

"Baby but you're twenty" I groaned, sitting up, moving my dirty blonde hair out of my face.

"It's three years Jason not the end of the world" she shook her head, moving to the edge of the king bed.

"I made you breakfast get yourself cleaned up babe" she got up and left to get everything set up.


I held a towel against my wet hair as I came downstairs to be met by a sweet smell and Ariana's sweet voice all through the first level.

She was finishing making the eggs as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She was wearing her blue booty shorts a tank top.

"You look so damn sexy princess" I kissed her right cheek, which were turning to a light pink shade.

"Here jas" she handed the finished plate with eggs, bacon, and waffles with strawberries.

I smiled and grabbed her by her cheeks and planted a fast kiss to her plump lips.


Ariana's hand stayed intertwined with mine as we were getting back to the house after a long but fun day at the rolling skate rink.

I couldn't help but look back at ariana, questioning why she was wearing a short dress with different shades of blue and mixtures of black and white. (On media) A pair of black heels to match her long acrylic nails. Her hair tied neatly in her half up half down ponytail, but her bangs out and straightened. She looked stunning to say the least.

I was curious why she decided on that clothing, considering we went roller skating. But hey, that's up to her and I don't mind looking at her tan long legs.

I pulled up to the driveway. I couldn't help but to notice a long smile reaching her pink colored lips.

We both got off the car, and I opened the brown wooden front door to our house. Immediately as I opened the door loud cheers started to fill the whole mansion. As well as screams that were along the lines of "happy birthday Jason". A smile made it's way to my face and I turned around, looking down at Ariana.

"Princess you did this ?" I questioned, the smile still placed on my cheeks as Ariana replied, "I picked everything out and it was my idea, but your friends helped me out by setting it all up" she finished, "thank you princess, even though I told you not to, but thanks" I smiled and gave her forehead a kiss.

I made my way around the living room, about a hundred people were here. Not too shabby. I thanked and talked to almost everyone throughout the night. Drinking a drink or two, because I didn't want to get drunk and forget everything. Not today.

I looked back and saw Ariana sitting and giggling as Chaz talked to her. "No way" she laughed some more, moving her hair behind her shoulder, now exposing her collar bones.

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