XVI- Relationship

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new cover made by yours truly €€ (thoughts¿ it's shitty sorry)

Chapter 16


"Chaz, why and how the fuck did Grace get the job ?" my voice started to rise as I spoke to him, becoming super overwhelmed.

"She was the most equipped, she knows what she's doing Jason, just because you two had a past that wasn't gonna stop her from getting the job" Chaz explained I just groaned.

"Equipped? As in Grace Collins ? She can't do shit, she didn't ever try to do anything, she doesn't work she just gets" I was becoming so pissed off I wanted to hit Chaz for doing something stupid, but we're talking about Chaz, it's not as surprising.

"Jason, I'm telling you she knows what she's doing, she starts Monday, it's Saturday night you got to warm up to this subject" Chaz was trying to speak softly, because I've told him, if I'm screaming to talk quieter.

I scoffed, "that girl doesn't deserve something like this" I hissed, and I walked to back to Ariana's room, before closing it I looked back "you know how to get out" then I slammed the door behind me,

"Damn jas, what's up your ass" Ariana slightly laughed, my angered mood seemed to decrease when I saw her.

"Ugh it's nothing, let's get some sleep, ya ?" I groaned, throwing myself into the bed, laying next to my princess.

"Jas I wanted to tell you something, I'm re- " ariana tried to talk, but I was so tired and over this day, "can this wait until tomorrow ? I'm worn out" I pushed the covers over my body.

"I- um okay" she nodded, turning the lights off from next to her.


I awoke around 6 am, my mind drifting off to Grace. I thought about all our memories. The first time I met her, at that cafe down the street. Our first date at the fancy restaurant she suggested. Our first kiss at the beach. The first time we 'made love' at the nice hotel she wanted to go to She was my everything, because she always seemed to be there. She was there because she wanted the money from me.

"Jas?" Ariana's soft, tired voice spoke from beside me.

"Go back to sleep princess, sorry if I woke you" I turned over seeing her rub her big mocha eyes.

"What's wrong Jason ? What are you hiding?" She asked, confused and curious.

"It's not important Ariana, please" I closed my eyes, my fingers touching the lids of my eyes.

"Why are you hiding things, we're supposed to be in a relationship, you don't hide things in a relationship" she shook her head, scooting the covers out of her way.

"Ariana it's something about the job, it's a long story" I tried to get myself out of this conversation.

"I got the time" she crossed her arms over her chest, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Um Chaz hired a new secretary for the job, you know we have been looking for one" I explained to her, combing through the knots on her hair.

"That's great" she smiled, so she thought.

"Not exactly, um princess, the person he hired is an old flame of mine" I told her, her eyes dropping slightly at the information.

"You guys dated ?" She questioned, her voice was hoarse and very soft.

"That's in the past but yes, she doesn't mean anything to me anymore, she's not worth it I promise baby" I kissed her cheek, pulling her on my lap, moving her hair to the right shoulder.

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