Karma x Reader |~background character~|

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note; the non capital letters are purposeful. my english is not well.

i'm lazy and don't reread so don't mind the autocorrections and bad grammar or whatever

(Y/N)'s POV;

"haha, yea today marks our one month"

"oh damn, congrats"

i sighed as i rested my head in my hands, looking over to see my one friend talking to one of her friends. Rio Nakamura's back faced me as she talked to Kaede about her said, one month. supposedly, she started dating some boy from another school, and she never even bothered to tell me about it. i'd be lying if i said it didn't hurt.

I considered Rio to be my best friend, but i wasn't her best friend. if that made any sense, to her i'm just a close friend. "i don't actually have best friends, but you're definitely one of my close friends" she'd say. to me it just seems like another way of saying i'm just like all her other friends. she knows i see her as my best friend.

"(Y/N)? what's up?"

i moved my gaze from Rio to my one other friend, Yukiko. i loved Yukiko with all my heart, she was my other person i was actually close with enough to trust blindly. so kind and caring for everyone. however, she's still not the perfect friend, she has family issues going on so I try to be as easy going with her as i can. however she's owes me 11,030.8 ¥ ($100) back from February and it's almost August now. i keep trying to remind her however she always forgets.

usually i wouldn't have cared that much however this money was actually my moms money. she also seems to invalid my feelings time to time and always yells at me the moment i mess up. she also started to go on a few dates with Sugino, to which, she also didn't inform me of it and had to hear about it from the gossip throughout the classroom.

it hurt knowing my two close friends that i trusted my entire heart with, didn't inform me of such a thing. Rio used to always tell me that dating at our age was stupid and since we weren't dating for marriage, we're basically doing it for heartbreak. so how come Rio was the fist to get a boyfriend?

"yea i'm fine" i sighed and gave Yukiko a weak smile. she smiled back me, "okay just wanted to make sure you're okay." she patted me on the head and then walked away to talk to Sugino. I know that it's new for both of them to have people to date, but i can't help but sometimes take such things personally. recently it seems that's she's been ditching out on us to hang out with him. i don't mind that shes hanging out with him but it's become such a regular occurrence to the point where it's just annoying.

i know how my friends are, they'd never intentionally try to hurt me, yet they always end up hurting me anyways. whenever i try to talk to them about it they seem to just brush it aside and say sorry but never do anything to change their actions. and i always forgive them. sometimes i can't help if it's just me being too self centered and looking for attention.

even things that they say piss me off sometimes. Rio always says how she doesn't have a life and just sits in her bed all day, but how come everytime i ask if she's free to hang out, she's always busy? it's been two months since we last hung out, outside of school. but, just last week, she hung out with her boyfriend and they went shopping together.

Yukiko isn't much different, i asked her 3 weeks ago if she wanted to go out somewhere but she said she was busy with schoolwork, yet the following week she said the same thing. at this point, i stopped bothering to ask if they're busy to hang out, as it was embarrassing to always get the answer no. i felt clingy and i didn't want to seem like i depended on them that much. However, i do make some exceptions to Yukiko as she's finally getting in tone with her schoolwork, to which i'm very proud of her for.

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