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(Y/N) POV:

My luck really couldn't be any better.

You see, I moved here to Tokyo just a few weeks ago from Korea.
(Or wherever you're from, i used to live in Korea so;;)

I was very sad because I would be leaving my only and best friend.

Rio Nakamura.

But, she was also moving, so it was even worse. I remember how we had to say goodbye. It was awful.

Even on my first day of school, I was super upset. I even had to share a locker with someone else because they didn't have enough for everyone.

Today is the first day of school, I'm in class 2-A. Along with other random people.

But, guess what? The person who was my locker buddy... was.... (a boy named Karma Akabane. yea nope)


Turns out that Rio had moved to the same place as me. And we go to the same school, and are even in the same class!!!

So, looks like everything going to be the same as before. Just in a different place.

Because, at our old school, it was just me and Rio. Nothing else. We never talked to anyone but us.

We didn't care about anything or anyone besides me and her.

But, I was wrong. Turns out..I now care about someone else as well.

I don't even know how this even happened. But, for the first time, I may.. have a crush.

When I told Rio, she was very understanding and she too, had a crush. So, we'd help each other out.

Rio and I would go my crush's sports games and cheer him on. And I'd talk to Rio's crush for her.

But, I've never talked to my crush before. And the thing is, there's no point really. He's popular, I'm lame.

And when I say popular,(spellcheck totally didn't say popcorn the first time...) I mean popular!

Like, almost every girl in the school likes him. Which, includes me...

But, the best thing is, he's in my class! And, his locker is right next to mine and Rio's. Another thing about my locker is the fact that it's on the end. So, to the right of it is my crush's. And to the left us just an open space and a door that leads to stairs.

What does my crush look like? Well, he's has vibrant ginger hair. Beautiful eyes that I've never seen the same color of before.

He's tall too, 5'9 (175 centimeters) to be precise. Weighs 132 pounds.

He's super smart too. He's one of the smartest guys in the entire school. And he's always helping people out.

Whenever someone needs help in class, he'll help them out.

But, he's never helped me out, I never need help. To get into the school, and to see what class I'd be put in, I had to take the test, along with everyone else.

I scored number 2 in the entire school and I didn't even learn the same stuff in my old school.

Number 1 was tided. With my crush and another certain annoying ginger.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!! Concentrate!!"

Huh? I snap back into reality. I look to see a ginger. Beautiful eyes, tall, 5'9 to be certain. One of the smartest guys in the school. Scored number 1 in last years test finals.

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