𝟎𝟎𝟔. the headmistress' daughter

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❝ If I can convince my mom, you're so there! And Milo obviously

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If I can convince my mom, you're so there! And Milo obviously.


Later that day, Milo was standing next to his locker with Mal and Evie when they saw Ben walk out of his class with Chad Charming and Alex. Chad hits Ben's chest and points at Mal and Milo.

"Those kids are trouble," Chad told Ben as he looked at Milo's locker that he had spray-painted a 'Long Live Evil' design on.

"Bye, M, Bye Lo," Evie told Milo and Mal before walking away.

"Bye, E," Milo and Mal told Evie before Milo turned back to his locker and took out his spell book.

"Come on, Chad," Ben said, "Give them a chance."

Alex sighed as he took Ben's hands, "No offense, Benny-bear, but you're just too trusting. Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince but, with my mom the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. Their mother!" Alex nudged his head to Milo and Mal.

"I think you're wrong about them," Ben told them with a shrug, "I'll see you later."

Alex shook his head and walked away with Chad following him.

Mal walked around the corner when she saw Ben walking towards Milo. Milo closed his locker just in time to see Ben lean on the lockers next to his'.

"Hey," Ben told him.

"Hey," Milo said confused, on why he's talking to him.

"How was your first day?" Ben asked him.

"Super," Milo told him.

Ben looked at his locker, "You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class. I could, uh, sign you up. What do you think?"

Just then Jane happened to walk past them. She squeaked when Milo looked at her. Milo saw Mal wink at him before following Jane.

Milo turned to look at Ben, "Way to take all the fun out of it," Milo smiled at him before following Jane.

Ben watched him go, "Huh," he said as he leaned his back against the lockers.


Milo met his sister in front of the girl's bathroom.

"So, I hope you know what you're doing," Milo told his sister.

"Yeah, I know just what to do," Mal said with a little smirk on her face.

"Well, I say good luck sis," Milo told Mal.

Mal sighed before walking into the girl's bathroom.

Once Mal walked into the girl's bathroom and saw Jane standing in the mirror, checking her hair. Jane's eyes widened once she saw Mal standing behind her.

"Hi," Mal said, smiling as Jane turned around to face her, "It's Jane, right? Ah, always loved that name, Jane. I'm pretty sure Milo would also like that name."

"That's cool," Jane muttered as she started to leave.

"Don't go!" Mal shouted, blocking her path. Jane stopped, terrified, "I guess, I was just trying to kinda hoping to make a friend," Mal said in fake sadness, "You probably have all the friends you need though, huh?"

"Hardly," Jane muttered.

"Really?" Mal asked in a fake surprise, "I mean, with your mom being Fairy Godmother and Headmistress?" She continued, "and, I mean, not to mention your own... personality," Mal said, softly.

"I'd rather be pretty!" Jane told her, "You've got great hair!"

Mal looked at hair before looking up at Jane.

"You know what?" Mal told Jane, "I have just the thing for that!" Mal showed Jane her spell book as she opened it, "It's right..." Mal flipped through the pages, "ah, here," she finally stopped at the right page as she smiled at Jane, "Beware, forswear, replace the old with brand new hair," Mal read before she flicked her finger as Jane watched the sparks fly until they hit her in the face.

Jane was scared of what would happen. Suddenly when she looked in the mirror her short hair was replaced with long, curly hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, shocked.

"Wow!" Mal said as she stood next to Jane, "You almost don't notice your... other features anymore!"

Jane tapped the spell book, "Do my nose!"

"Oh, I can't," Mal told her, "I've been practicing but you know, I can't do really big magic. Not like your mom with her wand," she continued, "I mean, one swoosh from that thing and you could probably have whatever features you wanted."

"She doesn't use the wand anymore," Jane said, sadly, "She believes that real magic is in the books, and not the spell books. Regular books with history and stuff."

Mal scoffed at that, "What a rip."

"Yeah," Jane said, softly.

"You know, she used magic on Cinderella," Mal started, "Who wasn't even her own daughter. Doesn't she love you?" Mal asked, sadly.

"Well, of course, she does," Jane said, "It's-it's just you know, tough love. 'Work on the inside, not the outside'. That sort of thing."

"That's the face!" Mal pointed at Jane's sad face, "Yeah and just looks like your heart is about to break," she continued, "Oh, Mother, I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful, too..." Mal imitated Jane.

"You think it would work?" Jane asked, hopeful.

"Yeah," Mal told Jane, "I mean, it worked for old Cindy, right? And your mom bibbidi-bobbidi-boo'd the living daylights out of her," she continued, "And, hey! If your mom does decide to, you know, break out the old wand, invite me! And I'll definitely bring Milo with me, you know, can't go anywhere without my brother."

"If I can convince my mom, you're so there! And Milo obviously," Jane told Mal with a big smile.

"Yay!" Mal cheered softly as she clapped.

"Bye!" Jane whispered before she left.

"Bye," Mal said, waving as she smirked to herself.


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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! But like can we take a moment to appreciate on how Jane looks so cute and adorable! AHH! Oh and also Descendants 2 and 3 will also be in this book so it will be one full Descendants book! Yeah, anyways Bye! Or see you in the next chapter!

𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓'𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐍, descendants.Where stories live. Discover now