𝟎𝟐𝟕. a talk with ursula's son

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━━━━⋆。˚💜👑🐉⋆。˚━━━━❝ 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗘𝗡𝗧'𝗦 𝗦𝗢𝗡 𝟮 ❞

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This island is a prison, thanks to your father.


While the Vks were planning, Ben was standing against a pole, tied by a rope. Harry approached him.

"Coochy, coochy, coo," Harry rubbed his hook on Ben's chin, "How's it feel to be the king now, eh?" Harry asked Ben.

"Coochy, coochy, coo," Harry rubbed his hook on Ben's chin, "How's it feel to be the king now, eh?" Harry asked Ben

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"Give it a rest, Harry," Uma said as she and Zane approached Harry and Ben.

"Give it a rest. We don't want damaged goods," Zane told Harry.

"You both said, I could hook him," Harry said as he pointed his hook at Ben.

"We said at noon," Uma told Harry.

He came up to Ben and held his pocket watch, "20 more minutes."

Ben glanced at the pocket watch, "That says 11:30." Harry then went to stand next to Zane and Uma, who were both sitting in front of Ben.

"You better hope your boyfriend comes through," Zane told Ben.

"Well, he's not my boyfriend anymore," Ben responded, causing Harry to smirk.

"Aw, looks like the job is already done for me," Harry told Zane and Uma with a laugh.

"What? What job?" Ben asked, confused.

Zane let out a fake gasp, "He doesn't know," He, Uma and Harry then started laughing.

"Don't know what?" Ben asked, even more confused.

"Milo..." Harry started, "He's my ex-boyfriend."

"What!?" Ben exclaimed.

"Yeah, they were so love back then but Maleficent had to break them up because she thought Harry wasn't good enough for Milo," Uma said.

"Leave us alone, Harry," Zane told Harry.

"Okay," Harry then approached Ben, showed Ben the watch again, "19 minutes to go now," Harry winked at Ben and with that, he left.

Ben was about to say something when Ursula called out, "Hey! Uma get down here and help me with the dishes!"

"Ugh! Coming mom!" Uma called out before turning to Zane, "Looks like you and beasty boy have to talk alone, now." And with that, she left.

"I get that you don't deserve this," Ben told Zane. Zane just laughed.

"This?" Zane asked, "This island is a prison, thanks to your father and don't pretend to look out for me because no one's looking out for me. It's just me and Uma."

"So this isn't your mom's plan?" Ben asked, "Wasn't Uma wearing her necklace?"

"Our mom doesn't care about us, either. Well, not unless she needs someone for the night shift," Zane told Ben with a chuckle at the end.

"Ouch," Ben said, sadly.

"I don't need your pity," Zane told Ben.

"No, you certainly don't," Ben looked around the ship, "You're very resourceful," Ben then looked back at Zane, who was approaching him, "I don't see you tied up."

"So, let's trash talk, Milo," Zane told Ben, changing the subject.

"I'd rather talk about you," Ben replied.

Zane laughed, "Mm, funny and a gentleman. I really hope I don't have to feed you to the fishes."

"Well, you don't. Set me free and we'll go back together," Ben told Zane.

"Oh so now I get invite?" Zane asked, in fake surprise but then got serious, "Gee, I wonder why. When you brought, Milo," Zane rolled his eyes, "Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos to Auradon, that's as mad as I've ever been in my life. And trust me, I've been plenty mad."

"I never thought of it like that before. That I could've hurt the people I didn't pick. My plan was to start with five kids and bring more people over. I guess I was busy being king," Ben let out a tsk sound, "That sounds lame. I'm so sorry," Ben told Zane, "You're a leader, Zane. So am I. Come to Auradon and be part of the solution."

"Me? Part of your solution? Nah. I don't need you, me and Uma are gonna get there on our own. Harry!" Zane called out, "Let's see what Uma's necklace can do."

Ben gulped as Zane smirked at him.


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A/N: I don't know what to say???

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