𝟎𝟑𝟑. hades

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━━━━⋆。˚💜👑🐉⋆。˚━━━━❝ 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗘𝗡𝗧'𝗦 𝗦𝗢𝗡 𝟯 ❞

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Stop the car! He's trying to escape!


They made it to the Isle of the lost, the new group of the Vk's were at front waiting for them.

"All right boys," Carlos said as he and Jay walk up to Squeaky and Squirmy.

"Let's hit the road," Jay said, excitedly.

"You're gonna see him soon, okay?" Carlos told the boys as he and Jay lead the two to the limo, "Come on."

"Do you have everything?" Lady Tremaine asked Dizzy as they stop at the trunk.

"Yes, I have everything," Dizzy said as she puts her bags in the trunk.

"Are you sure?" Lady Tremaine asked.

"I'm sure, Granny," Dizzy said.

"Oh, really?" Lady Tremaine said as she pulls out a glue gun.

"Oh, my glue gun," Dizzy said as she grabs her glue gun.

"I don't know what you're going to do without me," Lady Tremaine told Dizzy.

"I'll miss you," Dizzy said before sharing a look with Evie and then she hugs Lady Tremaine. "Goodbye, Granny," Dizzy said as she pulled away from the hug. She and Evie then get inside the car.

"Here, let me help get this off of you," Milo said as he tried to help Celia with her backpack but Celia just took it off herself and threw it into the trunk, "Oh, okay."

"Okay," Ben said as he closed the trunk, "Let's go and do-" Celia walked away as Ben was in the middle of talking, "This," Ben finished, awkwardly, causing Milo and Mal to laugh at him before the three get inside the limo.

Once everyone was inside, Jay started to drive away, Evie turned to Dizzy, "So, as soon as we get to Auradon, you have to try ice cream," Evie told Dizzy.

"And go swimming?" Dizzy asked, excitedly.

"I can take you to the Enchanted lake," Evie told Dizzy as they both squealed.

"I can't believe I get to live with you in your very own castle," Dizzy exclaimed.

"It's just a little starter castle," Evie corrected Dizzy.

"Here," Carlos said as he reached over to grab a Reese's peanut butter cup and hand it to Squeaky, "Go on. Trust me on this one," Carlos told him. Squeaky hesitantly took a bite causing his eyes to go wide, "I know, dig in, dig in."

Celia showed Ben her cards as Ben picked one before handing it to Celia. She put her hand over the card as she closed her eyes.

"You're going to be a wise and brave king," Celia told Ben, opening her eyes as she showed Ben the card.

"He already is," Milo told Celia with a smile.

"See? The cards never lie," Celia said before she held out her hand.

"Ah," Ben muttered as he grabbed his wallet, took some cash out and placed it on Celia's hand causing Celia to grin, excitedly.

As they drove closer to the barrier, Jay pressed the button to open it as a crowd of people watched them leave. Evie looks back at them with a grin. When all of a sudden, she saw Hades push his way through the crowd and ran towards the barrier. Just before the barrier closed, Hades shoved his hand, which was holding his ember, through the opening causing the ember to light up as it got its power back.

"It's Hades!" Evie exclaimed causing the group to turn in shock as Hades started to force the barrier to open even more.

"Stop the car! He's trying to escape!" Mal exclaimed as Jay quickly stopped the limo and everyone rushed out of it.

"I am a god! I don't belong here!" Hades shouted as he tried to force his way out through the barrier. Milo, Mal, and Evie quickly pushed the kids back in the car and closed the doors behind them as Ben, Jay, and Carlos tried to rush at Hades causing him to shoot them with his ember and they fell on the ground.

Milo looked at Hades in shock as they locked eyes, when Milo felt his eyes turn blue as blue and purple smoke started to surround him. Everyone watched in shock as the smoke cleared to reveal Milo as a dragon.

Milo screeched at Hades as he looked at him with wide eyes. Milo flew towards Hades causing him to point his ember's magic at him. Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Ben watched in shock and horror as Hades' magic affected him.

"Come on, Milo! Blast him!" Jay called out to Milo as Hades kept blasting him while Milo did nothing.

Milo in his dragon form breathed on Hades strongly until he couldn't take it anymore and was shoved away from the barrier. Milo screeched in pain as he slowly descended while Evie and Mal helped Ben, Jay, and Carlos up as the kids opened the doors. Smoke surrounded Milo again as he landed on the back of the limo as he turned back into his human form. Milo grunted in pain as Mal and Ben helped him down from the limo.

"Are you okay?" Mal asked her brother, concerned as she and Ben helped him to stand.

"No!" Milo cried as he clutched his chest, "He was draining all of my magic with the ember, and I felt all of my powers slipping away."

"You're safe," Mal assured him before turning to look at Hades, who was looking at them with a glare as he stood up from the ground, "He's back where he belongs."

"Yeah, for now," Milo said as he leaned against Ben while they watched Hades walk away causing the crowd behind the barrier to scatter. Jay walked over to Milo and placed his hand on Milo's arm.

"We should go," Jay told Milo, softly.

"Okay," Milo whispered as they all walked over to the limo before climbing in and driving back to Auradon.

"Okay," Milo whispered as they all walked over to the limo before climbing in and driving back to Auradon

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A/N: ;)

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