𝟎𝟒𝟐. can you wake him?

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━━━━⋆。˚💜👑🐉⋆。˚━━━━❝ 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗘𝗡𝗧'𝗦 𝗦𝗢𝗡 𝟯 ❞

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When you guys try to destroy the world... it's an error in judgment but when it's one of us... lock them up and throw away the key. Right, Beast?


The group was now in Alex's dorm while Alex is laying in his bed looking lifeless. Milo and Evie sat on either side of Alex's bed as the others found a place around the room.

"He's slipping away," Evie said, worriedly as she looked at Alex.

"There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this, and that's Hades," Mal told the group as Evie gave her a concerned look.

"Hades?" Ben asked Mal in disbelief as Mal looked at him, "He wouldn't do it. I wouldn't risk it."

"Actually, he might do it for me and Mal," Milo told Ben, "He's our father." The group exchanged shocked looks.

"Okay," Ben exhaled, nervously, "Well, I'll have to send guards to get him."

"Maybe we can hitch a ride," Uma cuts in, referring to her and Zane, as the group looked at her.

"The Isle is our home. Someone needs to be there to protect it." Zane told the group.

"Well then, you will need your first mate," Harry smiled as he came up behind Uma and Zane and wrapped his arm around their shoulders.

"The Isle will be in very good hands," Milo told the three with a smile as they smiled back.

"Can I go, too?" Celia asked Milo as she stood up and walked over to the others as the group looked at her, "I wish I could be in both places."

Milo looked down sadly before standing up and looking at Uma and Zane, "I really think that Evie was right and... I do think that we could've been friends," Milo told the two with a smile as they smiled back, "And I'm really sorry that I lied to all of you guys. You deserved so much better than that."

"You were just trying to do the right thing," Jay assured Milo.

"Yeah," Uma nodded.

Milo turned to Evie as Evie stood up, "I get it," Evie told Milo, softly causing Milo to smile.


The next morning, Milo, Ben, Ben's parents, Queen Leah, and Fairy Godmother were all in Alex's dorm. They all were waiting for the guards to arrive with Hades. Beast was pacing, back and forth in the room, Fairy Godmother and Queen Leah sat next to Alex on both sides of the bed, Belle was standing next to Fairy Godmother and Milo and Ben stood next to each other at the foot of the bed. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door and Beast opened it. He moved over to the side as the guards led Hades into the room as Milo took a deep breath before walking over to stand in front of Hades.

"Thank you for coming," Milo told his dad, softly.

"Didn't have much of a choice," Hades said, sarcastically, referring to the guards that surrounded him.

"Can you wake him?" Ben asked Hades as he took a step forward as Hades looked at him.

"Since when do heroes care about villains?" Hades asked, raising his eyebrows.

"He's..." Ben started as he and Milo glanced at Alex.

"One of your own," Hades finished, knowingly as Milo and Ben looked back at him, "Right," Hades scoffed, "When you guys try to destroy the world... it's an error in judgment but when it's one of us... lock them up and throw away the key," Hades turned to Beast, "Right, Beast?"

Hades sighed as he held up his hands causing Milo to step back, "Yeah, I'm gonna need to use my hands," Hades reminded them as they all looked at Ben who nodded his head. The guards quickly unlocked his handcuffs causing Hades to shack out his hands before holding a hand towards Milo and giving him a look. Milo hesitantly put the ember in his hand which caused him to close his eyes and let its magic flow through his body as his hair lit up on fire, "Haven't lost my touch," Hades told Milo, grinning as he looked down at his ember. He started walking towards the bed but Beast was in his way. Hades growled at Beast which caused Beast to growl back louder.

"Dad!" Milo cuts in, causing both men to stop. Hades shrugged before walking over to the bed with Ben and Milo following him as Belle walked over to her husband. Hades stood at the foot of the bed, in front of Alex. Hades started to wave his arms around Alex as the room lit up blue. Everyone gasped in shock after the third time as Alex shot up from the bed and opened his eyes.

"Alex!" Queen Leah exclaimed as she stood up to help Alex while everyone else looked at Hades in shock.

"Tell me it was all a bad dream," Alex whispered to Milo and Ben.

"I wish I could," Ben told Alex, sadly, "But it's over now," Ben continued as Hades scoffed.

"I'm sorry," Alex told Milo, softly as he crawled to the edge of the bed, sitting in front of Milo and Ben, "I wanted to hurt you both. I wanted to hurt all of you."

Milo stepped forward and grabbed one of Alex's hands, "I have owed you an apology for... a very long time now," Milo told Alex, softly as Alex softly smiled at him.

"And so have I," Ben added as he stepped up behind Milo causing Alex to look up to him with a soft smile.

"And, perhaps, I have owed you one too," Queen Leah told Milo with a soft smile before giving Milo a curtsy as Milo bowed.

Beast gestured to the guards, who stepped forward and grabbed Hades.

"Oh, yeah," Hades said before the guards handcuffed him and escorted him out the room. Milo paused before following them into the hallway.

"Dad," Milo called out causing the guards and Hades to turn to face him. The guards quickly grabbed Hades' arms so he wouldn't hurt Milo, "I'm gonna have to miss you all over again."

"Thanks for a glimpse of the sun," Hades told his son with a smile. Milo quickly walked over to Hades and hugged him, tightly. He pulled back and Hades smiled at him. As the guards turned him around, Hades reached back and gave Milo his ember. As they turned to the corner, Hades looked back at his son and gave him a wink. After they left, Milo had tears in his eyes as he held the ember to his chest.


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A/N: Who do you think would have won this growl battle? Beast or Hades?

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