𝟎𝟐𝟒. don't you love me?

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❝ I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what best for you, for my sister, for my friends, and it's best for Auradon

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I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what best for you, for my sister, for my friends, and it's best for Auradon.


Ben and the Vks made it to the Vk's old hideout, knowing Milo will probably be there and considering that his bike was parked under the hideout. Jay threw a rock on the sign that said, 'Danger: Flying Rocks'. The gate opened to reveal a staircase as Evie led Ben towards them.

Ben walked up the first step before turning back to the four VKs, "Wish me luck."

"All the way up," Jay told Ben as Ben started to walk up the stairs.

"Good luck," Evie called out.

Inside the hideout, Ben saw Milo spray painting one of the walls.

"At least I don't see a picture of me with horns and a pitchfork," Ben said, softly.

Milo turned around and gasped, "Ben." Ben started to walk towards Milo but Milo stopped him with his hands.

"Milo, I'm so sorry about our fight," Ben told Milo, "It was all my fault, please come home," Ben held out the ring.

"Ben," Milo said as he climbed down on where he was and set down the spray can before walking over to Ben, "I am home."

"Well, I brought the limo, it's a sweet ride," Ben said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I don't fit in Ben," Milo told Ben, "I really gave it my best shot and if you think that I can change, I think you're wrong."

"Then I'll change," Ben told Milo, "I'll skip school, have more fun. You know, I'll blow off some of my responsibilities-"

"No, no!" Milo cut off Ben, "See, I'm such a terrible influence. It's only a matter of time before I do something so messed up that not only will the kingdom turn on me but they'll turn on you."

"Don't quit us, Milo," Ben told Milo as he put the ring in Milo's hand, "The people love you. I love you. Don't you love me?"

Milo looked down at the ring in his hand, sadly. He swallowed down a lump as a painful chuckle left him before placing it in Ben's hand and pushing his hand away, "I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what best for you, for my sister, for my friends and it's best for Auradon."

"Milo, please don't," Ben pleaded as he took a step closer to Milo but Milo stepped back.

"Ben," Milo said, softly, "I can't do this," Milo picked up the spray can and went back to stand on the platform, "You should go," He said once he made it to the platform as his back was towards Ben. He paused before turning around to see Ben just standing there, "Ben, please go. Please leave," Milo told Ben.

Ben swallowed down a gulp before he hesitantly left the hideout.

"I'm sorry," Milo mumbled after Ben left the hideout.

Ben walked down the stairs as the others were waiting for him.

"So?" Evie asked as Ben made it down the stairs, "Where's Milo?"

"He's not coming back," Ben told the others.

"What?" Evie exclaimed, "We'll talk to him," Evie pulled Mal over to the microphone as Ben walked away from the group.

"Lo," Mal said into the microphone, "Milo, it's Mal and Evie. Let us just talk to you for a second. Milo, come on."

"Go away," They heard Milo shout into the microphone.

Jay walked over to the girls, "Let's give him a couple hours to cool off," Mal and Evie let out a sigh.

"Guys," Carlos called out as the others walked over to him, "Where's Ben?"

"Ben?" Evie called out, "Ben?" They all let out sigh of relief when they saw someone, who they thought was Ben, walking towards them, "Ben, don't scare us like that."

"Don't scare you?" Harry asked as he, instead of Ben, walked up to them, "But that's my specialty."

"Harry," Mal said, glaring at him

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"Harry," Mal said, glaring at him.

"What did you do with Ben?" Jay asked, demanding an answer.

"Oh, eh, we nicked him," Harry gestured behind him, "Mmhm, yeah and if you want to see him again, have Milo come to the Chip Shop, tonight. Alone. Zane wants a little visit," Harry told the group before looking at Jay, "Aw, Jay, seems like you've lost your touch."

"Jay," Evie said as she stopped him from lunging at Harry.

Harry looked at Carlos and barked before walking away. Once Harry was gone, Jay climbed up the side of the stairs as the others followed him.


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A/N: Sad boy hours :( Also Ben is literally the cutest!

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