𝟎𝟎𝟕. the warrior's daughter

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━━━━⋆。˚💜👑🐉⋆。˚━━━━❝ 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗘𝗡𝗧'𝗦 𝗦𝗢𝗡 ❞

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I'll pay you 50 dollars.


After school, Milo was sitting on his bed in the dorm, he shared with Mal and Evie. Evie was sewing a dress, Mal was laid down on her stomach on her bed, doing her homework and Milo was drawing since he finished his homework already. Jane was also in the room, pacing in front of Milo and Mal.

"Mom said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it.' Can't you believe it?" Jane asked incredulously as she stopped pacing next to Milo's bed. She walked over to where Evie's bed was, "What world does she live in?"

"Auradon," Mal replied simply.

"Mal, Milo. Do you like it?" Evie asked as she held up what she was sewing so that Mal and Milo could see it.

Milo glanced up to see it, "Yeah, it's cute," he said before going back to his drawing.

"Brings out your eyes," Mal added.

"I know," Evie said, looking at it happily before going back to sewing.

"I'll never get a boyfriend," Jane said, sadly as she sat on Evie's bed.

"Boyfriends are overrated," Milo told Jane.

"And why would you think that, Milo?" Mal asked as she looked up from her homework.

"Remember you've had one before," Evie reminded him as she paused her sewing.

"That's because it's before I found out I don't need one, E," Milo shot back.

"I have to agree," Mal added with a hum, "They're a waste of time."

Evie suddenly gasped, "I forgot to do Chad's homework!" She rushed across the room and picked up a backpack, "Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no!"

"And that is exactly what she means," Milo pointed out.

Then suddenly there was a knock on the door. A girl entered, uninvited, "Hi, guys! I'm Lonnie," she said. Everyone looked at the girl with blank stares as she looked around the room, "My mom's Mulan?" She prompted but she was met with even more blank stares, "No? Anyways, Mal, I love what you've done with Jane's hair and I know that you hate us and well you're evil but do you think you can do  mine?" Lonnie asked Mal.

"Why would I do that for you?" Mal wondered as she looked up from her homework to look at Lonnie.

"I'll pay you 50 dollars," Lonnie offered, holding out a bag of money.

"Good answer!" Evie exclaimed as she stood up and took the money from Lonnie's hand, "I need to buy more materials. Let's see, I'm thinking we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights."

"No, no," Lonnie cuts Evie off, "I want it cool," she looks over to Mal, "Like Mal's."

"Really?" Evie grinned, "The split ends too?"

The twins looked at each other.

"Do you want to do it or do I?" Milo asked his sister.

"I have done one person's hair today and I think that is enough for me," Mal said before she went back to do her homework.

Milo looked at Evie with an annoyed face. Evie shook the bag of coins. Milo groaned as he rolled off the bed and took out his spell book. He flipped through the pages and opened the right page.

"Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair," Milo read before flicking his finger. Lonnie watched the magic sparks fly until they hit her face. Then her short, bob hair grew into long, curly hair.

She went to the mirror and gasped. Milo and the girls walked up behind her. Evie looked disapproving.

"I know, I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know let's cut it off, layer it-" Evie started but was cut off by Lonnie.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Lonnie said, quickly, "I love it!"

"You do?" Evie asked, disappointed.

"It's just..." Lonnie said softly. She reached down and ripped the hem of her skirt. Mal and Milo smirked a little while Jane looked scared, "Now, I'm cool."

"Like ice," Mal told Lonnie, smirking.

Jane walked over to the mirror and suddenly ripped a split in the side of her dress, "What did I just do?" Jane gasped, "Mom's gonna kill me!"

Lonnie laughed at her

Milo rolled his eyes, "Girls," he mumbled.


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A/N: Another chapter done!

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