Love Triangle between three people having their individual personality. Everything is fine until one day Wang Yibo come up in his life. The journey of love or lust. The journey of wrong or right. Every one has their own perspective. The journey of b...
Next morning Hey ruby, how are you?? How was your vacation zhan greeted his secretary.
All went good, you kept your promise you didn't call me!!! Why?? Zhan!! Pouted ruby
Zhan scoffed I told you but why are you angry babe. Zhan extends his hand give the details and list of models.
Ruby hand over him a file but he looked surprise after inspect the whole file
Who is this guy wang yibo?? Come here ruby held his hand leads him to auditorium and ramp stage here is yibo.
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Why he is here too. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Inside the makeup room Someone knock on the door Come in voice echoed in empty room.
Zhan came inside the yibo's make up room.
Yibo I don't know you don't like me but please be polite here with me said zhan.
I never said I don't like you why you considering this and one more thing I am a professional person shrugged yibo.
You are really a good kid smile zhan.
Don't ever dare to call me kid replied yibo in angered.
Zhan cross hands never I will never.
Zhan goes outside. Shut the door with click and whisper kids now days are scary. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following days were busy for zhan he oftenly talk with yibo but talk very few words.
He sometimes exchange few calls with zhou but they always seems busy and do not call back always.
Zhan tomorrow is the final day, here is the list of guests and sponsored. I set all the sitting arrangements do you want to change anything?? Raising one brows with giving folder to zhan.
No I believe you shaking head zhan
Zhan, that new guy yibo is quite good if keyu is not boyfriend I definitely goona pair up you guys he always steals glance chuckle ruby.
Zhan just ignore her and checking list. You can go now speaks zhan loudly he just don't understand yibo and listening his name zhan felt butterflies. All of the following days he fell more comfortable.
One day before
Yibo, I am making you show's topper..
But why me zhan??
Because, you are the one who will be going to wear main design.
But I'm scare.
You don't need to.. Zhan held yibo one hand and smile you gonna rock it babe...