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And like lightning, Izuku was fighting for his life.

As usual.


"Midoriya, I like you. I know you probably don't feel the same way but I really do. Ever since you opened my eyes and made me realize that my quirk was mine and not my Father's, I started to take a liking towards you. Ever since you made me realize it was ok to have friends I started to admire you. Admire your confidence, admire your kindness, admire your looks. Everything about you. And...I just wanted to know if you feel the same."

Izuku was in utter shock. No one had ever asked him out like that. Especially no one he secretly liked back. While still being young, he only have been asked out once. But he didn't really take interest in the girl and rejected her.

'There's always the one for you out there somewhere' people would say, which Izuku found really dumb since there is 7 billion people in this world and only 19 students in his class. The world was huge and his 'someone' could be out anywhere.

But maybe...maybe this was it. Maybe this was his someone. Being the sort-of-naive teen he was, in his mind it was all a huge coincidence the universe put together if your crush liked you back.

And in his mind that meant it was meant to be.

"Todoroki-Kun, I like you too. I like you a lot. And...I do feel the same way." A sigh of relief escaped the others mouth. He was holding a breathe he didn't even realize.

"So...does that mean we're dating now?" Shoto asked, impatiently waiting for an answer from the greenette's mouth.

"Yes. Todoro-"

"You can call me Shoto now."

Izuku nodded. "Shoto, I really want to be your boyfriend."

"And so do I."

And with that, they shared a kiss. One full of love and caring. Understanding of each other and everything they have gone through in the past. Yet, in that kiss they held a unspoken promise that from now on, they would do this together.

They would be for each other together.

And in that kiss, Shoto cried. He cried and Izuku knew it was because of the relief. The relief of finally having someone to cry with.


Crocodiles cry when eating their prey.


No gravity. Like flying but your in place, not going up or down. A heavy weight on top of you, like a blanket but uncomfortable.

Darkness clouding his mind, taking away Izuku's vision. Too many thoughts racing until there's nothing to think about. His mind in panic mode, shoving millions and millions of scenarios into his brain to the point where it's like he was thinking nothing at all.

There's so much carbon dioxide in the blood, and so little oxygen, that chemical sensors in the brain trigger an involuntary breath.

And once he took that breath, it went down his lungs and ended up waning transfer of oxygen into the blood. The clock is ticking; half-conscious and enfeebled by oxygen depletion, his body in no position of getting up, especially when something is holding him down.

Hot lava. His nose, lungs, stomach. It was on fire. The burning sensation made it much much worse.

And all because he was being drowned in his bathtub.

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