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A few days ago.

Everyone was running around. Orders being given, things being typed, information being talked.

Shoto didn't think the investigation would be this big. Sure, a few investigators here and there but to have this many people in one case was a bit over exaggerated. Obviously he thought that to save his own butt, it's whatever.

He opened the large doors and walked in, people talking in hushed tones, the only loud sound was the typing of a dozen computers and the squeaks of chairs being moved.

"Ahh why hello there Pro-Hero Shoto." The man with the silver hair stood up, extending his hand for Shoto to take. It took him a few moments for Shoto to remember that when someone did that, they wanted to shake hands.

"Hello there Chief..." The other man gave a puzzled look, before realization fell and he showed his badge. "Chief Toshio. Toshio Gushiken." He cleared, Shoto nodded.

"So, I believe that this is Squad Seven correct?" Shoto began. Toshio cleared his throat and answered, "Correct."

Shoto hummed, wondering how he was going to word this. "I was wondering if you could cooperate with Squad Three in the case they're working on." Toshio gaped, before fixing his composure and running his hand through his frizzy silver hair.

"Do you speak about...that case?" He asked, emphasizing 'that'.

Shoto sighed, but nodded.

"Pro-Hero Shoto, I thank you for this opportunity and I hate to have to question your actions but why?" Shoto knew this question would come, and the answer he was going to give seemed too unrealistic but he had no choice.

He would have to emphasize his simple answer.

"I've been side to side with this Squad ever since I became a Pro-Hero. During these years I've seen growth and great development. The case Squad Three is working on is pretty difficult since the suspects aren't a lot and they had already dropped the case once, meaning the information they probably had before is dusted off by now. This crew has great potential and I think you're worthy enough to help them.

You guys have everything it takes to stop that person from everything they did."

Toshio was...well shocked to say the least. He wasn't expecting such a motivational speech but like hell was he going to let it go to waste.

"I- well I can't just say no to that..." He turned around, clapping to grab everyone's attention. "Attention everybody! Grab the cars, we're going to see Squad Seven along with Pro-Hero Shoto."

The whispers that once held the room turned into loud murmurs, rumors spreading like wildfire on why they would have to go to Squad Seven.

"Uhh sir?" A young man with soft pink hair raised his hand. Toshio sighed, "Yes Koufuku?" Kou smiled sheepishly, not being able to contain his excitement. "So like- are we going to become super spies?!"

Both Shoto's and Toshio's eyes widened, blinking a few times before Toshio answered, more like a question for the question.

"What makes you think that?"

Kou's smile shrunk a bit smaller, embarrassment seeping through his face. "Well, Squad Three is working on that super important case. They don't have time to be busy with other things or teams. So if we're going, it only makes sense we're going to help them."

Everyone was pretty flabbergasted by Kou's intelligence. Not only that but the fact that he could connect the dots quickly, 'I have to keep my guard up with him.' Shoto thought.

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