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There was a time they almost got arrested.

It was rather hilarious actually. They didn't intend to actually get arrested, but they did it for the fun of it.

"What the heck Kacchan? I told you we're going to get in trouble!" Izuku protested. Twelve in the morning and instead of being asleep, they were arguing like cats and dogs.

"We are unless you shut up and stop whining!" Katsuki whisper-shouted. It wasn't really a thought planned. Katsuki just felt the urge to do something bad and instead of doing it alone by himself he dragged Izuku into it as well. Because THAT'S a smart thing to do.

"What are we even gonna do after we escape? Walk around like dummies around the dorms or something?" Izuku huffed.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, already figuring out where they were going to go. "No. We're gonna go to the store down the street." Izuku raised an eyebrow, confused on why he was going to go this far into escaping just to go to a store.

They were currently in Katsuki's room. After Katsuki sent a text to Izuku, they met up and tried to find things they could use for their escape. Well, it was more of Izuku protesting on how this was a bad idea and Katsuki doing all the searching,

"What if we get caught? What if we get in trouble? What if we get suspended? What if-"

Katsuki groaned, completely annoyed at Izuku's 'what if's'. "Can you shut up and help me find that cloak? Jeez. You're annoying, you know that?" Izuku sighed, rubbing his temple before joining Katsuki in looking for the cloak.

He bent down to look for anything they could use to cover up their faces. When he found a blanket, he curiously reached out and grabbed it. The soft yet smooth texture surprised him. "Hey Kacchan. I think I found something."

Katsuki was in his closet, looking in between boxes and such. He turned around where Izuku was to see a weird blanket in his hands. A dark green shade that almost looked a bit dirty.

"What 's that?" Izuku shrugged, spreading the material on the floor for a better look. It had a gap, a strap under it creating a hood that you could snap on and off. "I think this is the cloak you were talking about."

Katsuki stood up, walking over to the bed and kneeled down. "Yep. That 's the one. Now look for the other one."

Izuku thinned his eyes, annoyed that now he had to look for the other one.

"Wait but- isn't this one for you? You were the one looking for it, so take it." Izuku said, handing over the cloth to Katsuki.

He shook his head though. "That's for you dumbass. Mine is orange. Unlike you, mine is clean."

'You're the one who had it though' Izuku thought, an awkward smile taking over the annoyance he had.
"Well thanks I guess."

Izuku continued looking for the other cloak while Katsuki was busy on his phone. After a bit of rummaging through some old but organized boxes, he was able to find the orange one. Which Izuku found a bit stupid since the whole point of having a cloak is to not draw too much attention. But since it was orange it stood out even more.

"So now what?" Izuku asked, clipping his cloak into place, Katsuki doing the same.

"We jump out the window." He plainly stated.
It took some time to comprehend what they were about to do and when it finally hit him, Izuku went ballistic.

"No we can't do that! That's dangerous, we might hurt ourselves!" He objected, shaking his hands furiously as he was now a bit scared. Alas his protests were very much ignored as Katsuki spread the curtains, lifted the blinds, and opened the window letting the breeze inside.

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