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Izuku remembered the first time he saw a hero.

He was so small, yet so fascinated by every movement, every punch, every throw that the hero would make. It made him happy inside, not only was the hero flashy and cool but at the same time, they were saving people. Saving people from villains.

Everyone knows that villains are bad guys.

So there the hero was, punching and throwing kicks, swiftly moving around as they dodged every attack the villain tried to hit. Everything was perfectly planned. Perfectly planned so that at the end, the villain would lose.

The villain, slowly realizing that attacking wasn't getting him nowhere, decided to run. With a bag full of robbed money thrown behind his back he ran as fast as he could, trying his hardest to not get hit by a fist or the quirk in general of the opposing person.

"What a fool! Running away like a wussy. Aren't you big and tough? Fight back!" People would say, shaking their heads in disappointment at the villain's new plan.

Some would silently agree, while others rooted for the hero who was quickly catching up to the villain. Everyone seemed on the hero's side.

Including Izuku.

Moments before he went to go help his mom get groceries, which was more like begging to go to the candy aisle for the snacks and whining to get to sit on the seat of the cart and not actually helping but it still counted for him.

However, once they finished paying for their things and leaving, they were stopped by a small crowd of people who were only bystanders watching the fight go on. Since they couldn't really go anywhere since all the commotion, they decided to just stand and watch.

Izuku yelled in glee. "You can do it! You got this!" Everything in hopes his little voice would be heard by the hero.

And it did, that hero, may not be the number one hero of all time but still. That hero heard, loud and clear.

They turned around and smiled proudly, giving a big thumbs-up as a sign of reassurance. Izuku's smile grew more, so so so happy that he was able to be an asset to the hero.

They needed it to fight off that bad guy.

A few moments later, it was a victory for the community. Everyone was cheering as the villain shamefully walked down with handcuffs around his wrists, getting ready to enter the police car.

"We knew you couldn't do it!"

"No one believed in you!"

"All everyone does these days is steal and commit crimes. You deserve jail!"

"I hope prison sucks for you!"

"Did you know you injured a kid in the process? Shame on you!"

"Everyone is disappointed in you!"

"Do something else besides stealing and doing nonsense!"

Izuku was too young to understand society. He didn't know the way around what was considered bad and good. He was learning, but it was a slow process.

Yet, he seemed to understand that if you do something bad, people end up being bullies to you.

Stealing is something no one should do. It isn't something you accidentally do like lies. Izuku couldn't manage to do this.

A loud scream broke the fuss.

"Damn you! Damn all of you! Damn each and everyone of you here! I stole this because I'm broke damn it! I'm broke and my little sister is sick! I can't afford her fucking medicine and I'm too young to get a job! I have no parents and I starve everyday! Why do you have to humiliate me when I try to be a decent person?! Maybe not for you fuckers but for my sister! You don't even know me yet throw all your unnecessary hate at me! Do you even know what it is to starve? To have to see someone you care about get worse everyday and not be able to do nothing about it?! Well, do you?!"

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