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A new daily routine for not just them, but the whole class. Everyone was used to it by now. Everyday during small break time, all everyone could hear in those 10 minutes that the teachers would give them is yelling, bickering, taunting and teasing.

"Kacchannnn! I told you that the answer was B but for SOME reason you didn't listen to me!" Izuku yelled. Katsuki huffed in response.

"How was I supposed to know you were right?! And besides, I don't trust your dumb head with my work!" Everyone internally facepalmed. For the past 4 minutes both Izuku and  Katsuki had been bickering about one answer that Katsuki got wrong. A shocker really. Katsuki Bakugou getting one question in Math wrong? Impossible!

"Look! I specifically said that it wasn't C but B. But did you listen? NoOoOoOo. So instead, you said, and I quote, 'I will blast you to hell and back if you tell me it's B Deku! I'm fucking right! I'm always right!' " Izuku mimicked, puffing his cheeks up and doing his best impression of what Izuku would call 'Angry Kacchan.' Included with a silly deep voice, a frown, with his cheeks puffed up like a puffer fish, and a pout.

"Shut up! Don't use my own words against me damn it." Katsuki snarled.

"Did I lie though? Did I stutter? Where did I go wrong? I didn't!" Izuku laughed proudly, causing his other classmates to force a straight face. Ever since both boys got closer in their  second year, by their third year they were basically best friends. Though Katsuki would never admit it.

"Midoriya's asking for a death wish or something." Hanta chuckled.

"Everyone, prepare the casket. Midoriya, prepare your will." Mina sighed, taking her phone out to look for casket stores near her.

"Kacchan won't hurt me." Izuku smiled sweetly. "Who said that?"

The next 2 minutes were full of small explosions and fun yelling.

"OK OK OK I GET IT I GET IT I'M SORRY!" Izuku yelled in surrender.
"You better be, nerd. Or else!"
"What did you say?!"

As they argued yet again, in the back of the room sat a taller boy. Quiet to say the least. Self-reserved, one who didn't bother anyone and didn't want to be bothered either.

His hand on his cheek as his elbow sat on the table, he watched blandly as both boys argued and teased each other as he had nothing else to do.

He didn't pay attention to the human chihuahua, rather his eyes landed on the other. Shorter boy, with green curly hair that looked so fluffy, kindness, his main language as he had a sweet smile on his face.

And Shoto wanted to do nothing more than to just hug him. Caress his face and feel the kindness and love Izuku had to offer. Wanted to just call him his. Keep him forever.

It was a work in progress, but he was doing it. Slowly, he was getting closer and closer to Izuku. Everyday getting a new spark of kindness from him. Everyday learning about the varieties of kindness Izuku had in his soul. Everyday wanting more.

He would soon have him. That's something Shoto knew.
Soon, he would have his kindness all for him. His love all for him.
His safety. All for himself.

"...And you could improve there too. You're good at combat but you should improve more on your tactics and planning. Try thinking of a plan first and not just suddenly hit the first punch. When you do that, you'll feel more organized in your mind. Everything will feel a little easier since most of the moves will already be mapped out."

There he was. Helping someone as always.

"Tch. I know that!" Izuku hummed nicely in response. He knew that was one of many strange ways Katsuki said thank you.

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