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"Thank you everyone for coming to this meeting." Toshio thanked, sitting down in the main chair in front of the room.

Mika sat beside him, their short hair complimenting well with the seriousness they carried. Mika was ready.

Koufuku sat beside them, confused as to why everyone was acting so mysterious. "Uhh sir? Why isn't Pro-Hero Shoto here with us? Isn't he a part of the investigation too?"

Toshio cleared his throat, settling down in his seat before speaking up. "Yes Kou, glad you noticed. As you can see, Pro-Hero Shoto isn't here. The reason for this is because-"

"Wait! Don't start without me, that's rude." Toshio groaned, turning around to meet face to face with the one and only Red Riot.

"Sorry for the intrusion." Eijiro bowed apologetically, earning a nod from Toshio. Kou raised his hand, "Uhh Red Riot? Who's that with you?"

Eijiro raised an eyebrow before he face palmed, feeling really stupid on how he forgot he brought a guest. "Sorry bro. Ok so this is my dude, Pro-Hero Chargebolt!" "Hiya!" Denki waved, making everyone in the room confused by his sudden appearance.

"Can you explain why you brought him here? We're in the middle of an important meeting, you know?" Mika said, their eyes looking tired as ever. Eijiro rubbed his neck awkwardly, before Denki spoke up.

"Sorry 'bout that. I just really wanna know what the whole fuss is about Todoroki being a part of suspicion. That's kind of- mph!" Eijiro was quick enough to cover Denki's mouth. "You aren't supposed to say it out loud, Denks!"

"Mnf! Mph! I'm sorry, ok? I just got a bit carried away."

Toshio sighed, rubbing his temples. "Look, just have a seat; both of you. Let's just get this over with." Eijiro and Denki nodded, taking a seat beside each other.

"As Toshio was saying, the reason Pro-Hero Shoto isn't here is because he has been under suspicion. During the past few days we have brought him up in our case, looking out for any signs of body language that could tell us if he is in fact guilty."

The room went silent, the only sounds were the click of a pen and the shuffling of the chairs.

"Now, onto what we have discovered. Mika, please continue."

Mika nodded. "We've set cameras everywhere where our squad works as well as where Squad Three is working to see every move Shoto was and is making." Mika opened their bag and grabbed their computer, opening up and typing stuff in it before showing the screen to everyone else.

"As you can see, when Shoto first met my gaze, he started sweating, causing him to grab a hanky and wipe his forehead." Everybody watched that clip in awe at the discovery. Mika then proceeded to show the other strange body languages Shoto showed such as sweating, tension on the shoulders, ect.

Everybody was making great observations. Even Denki pointed out the minor details that would go a long way.

"We have to keep in mind that this whole thing was an act. The purpose of this was to put Shoto at ease. Maybe he thought 'Since the case has been dropped once, all the information that the team was close to getting, disappeared through time.' This means that Shoto won't be so tight around us, making it easier for us to investigate."

The others nodded in agreement, Denki and Eijiro looking dumbfounded on how smart these people were. Mika noticed how the two heroes were more than confused so they explained.

"We never dropped the case. That was a lie. We've been working on the case for months. We're trying to get as much information as possible to cancel his name when the time comes. And little by little, we're getting close to the end."

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