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8 years ago
Author's  POV

It was around the time where Summer hits and school ends. (y/n) Hirawa was 14 at the time when he and his family went to visit United Kingdom to explore London. They stayed in London for a week and it is the last day that they will stay and explore the place. His 12-year-old sister, Chizu Hirawa, was holding her brother's hand while both their parents are behind them watching them. The family of 4 were walking around the city of London as Chizu was very amazed by how amazing the place was. The family really loved music very much as it may showed many different meanings of any song as both parents of Chizu and (y/n) were actually a famous violinist and violist duo. They walked to a music museum in the city and walked around to explore further of the world of music. They walked around for a hour as (y/n) went to look around the famous artists and musician section when he heard quiet cries. He looked around to find the person who was crying when he saw a girl sitting on one of the benches, crying. (y/n) slowly walked up to the girl and asked if something was wrong. The girl looked up at (y/n) with tears on her face as she quietly told him that she can't find her brother, his friend and her dad. He then asked the girl her age which she looked at him and told him that she's 12 like Chizu.

(y/n): Do you know when's the last time you saw your brother?

Girl: Do you know where the instruments section was? That's where I last saw him.

(y/n): I see... *thinking and then got an idea* How about we find them together?

Girl: Eh? Really? Will you help me find them?!

(y/n): 🤫

Girl: *covered her mouth with her hand* oops. Sorry

(y/n): Then *held out his hand* Then let's go find your brother

Girl: Okay *held (y/n)'s hand*

Few minutes later

Girl: Brother!

Brother: My goodness! Where were you? Me, Reiji and dad were worried about you

Girl: I'm very sorry. That boy *pointing at (y/n)* helped me find you and the others

Brother: *walked up to (y/n)* Thank you very much. I do apologized for my younger sister. She is a bit..

(y/n): Ah no worries. My parents should be looking for me right now. I have to get back so we can get ready to go back to Japan

Brother: Wait, you lived in Japan?

(y/n): Yep. Oh I'm Hirawa (y/n).

Brother: Oh I see. I'm Kisaragi Aine. Behind me is my best friend Kotobuki Reiji and my younger sister Kisaragi-Mikaze Ai. We should hang out sometimes 😄

(y/n): Alright. By the way *whispers to the Aine's ear* Your sister's very pretty

Aine: Ah 😅 I see. I'll see you the next time we see each other

(y/n): 👍🏻

(y/n) walked away from the 3 kids as he quickly went to look for his family which it only took him a few minutes to find them. His mom was a little bit worried as his dad was carrying Chizu who was asleep (y/n) told his parents what had happened earlier. At first they were mad at him, but they let it slide for today and started walking back to the hotel they're staying at and packed everything they brought and went to the airport by taxi by the afternoon since the airport is a little bit far from where the hotel they're staying at was. They got everything checked in and waited for their flight to be called since it's in the afternoon and they have to be there on time. While the family of 4 were waiting for their flight to be called, (y/n) was looking at the large glass pane as he noticed that familiar face from the reflection he barely see. He then turned around to see that no one was there as he sighed and walked up to his parents so he can sit next to them. A few minutes later, the aircraft had landed as the family of 4 got their tickets checked before going to the aircraft and sit on the seat as it would take almost about a half a day to arrive in Haneda Airport.

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