2 years later
March 1st
Gareth's POVIt's been 2 years since we first met Ai-chan and the other members of Quartet Night and the members of STARISH. Me and the other girls including Mordred were going birthday shopping for Ai-chan while the guys were going to plan a surprise party. I was so excited that I was jumping happily as we're on out way to (y/n)'s mansion. After hearing that both Quartet Night and STARISH were living together with (y/n) and Chizu, I was surprised. Anyway, we arrived at the mansion where (y/n), Chizu and Ai-chan were waiting for us as he went to unlock the gate for us to get in which I ran up to Ai-chan and gave her a hug. She was very happy to see us as Arthur and Gawain waved hello to the cyanette. Arturia asked Ai-chan if she was ready to go which she nodded before giving (y/n) a kiss on the cheek. I'm very sure that they dated for only 2 years since they first met.
Gareth: So Ai-chan! What do you want to do first?
Ai: *thinking first before decided on one* Oh I wanted to get something for (y/n)!
Other girls: Eh?
Mordred: Oh what is it?
Ai: You know how all of us started playing Genshin a year ago?
Arturia: Oh yeah! What about it?
Ai: I wanted to get him a keychain of his favorite element
Chizu: Dendro?
Ai: Nope
Mash: Wait is it Anemo?
Ai: No...
Mordred: Geo/Hydro/Electro/Cryo/Pyro? (A/N: pick your favorite element from Genshin Impact)
Ai: Yep!
Other girls: Oh~
Mash: Let's go
Ai: *nods and smiles*
We started going to the mall where there were some shops full of anime merchandise. When we got there, there were so many people going in big lines as I looked over to Ai-chan and asked her if she was okay. She told me that she was a bit sad that there was a long and that by the time we get in, there will be no more of the element keychains that (y/n) liked. Chizu got an idea and decided to find a different shop that has less people in it which they nodded and started walking again. When we're about to go to the second floor of the shopping mall, a teen went up to us and quietly asked us if we're idols by any chance. We were shocked as I asked the teen of who she was with when she pointed to her friend sitting at the bench. Mash told the teen to get her friend which she nodded and called out her friend. Arturia then asked the teen of why she asked which the teen said that she and her friend saw us at the shop where there was a big line.
Ai: Then...
Teen #1: We heard it's your birthday and me and my friend wanted to give you this *shows Ai a small gift*
Teen #2: We're also big fans of you guys and your bodyguard actually
Chizu: Wait my brother?!
Teen #1: Wait your brother is the bodyguard?!
Chizu: Yeah
Teen #2: Oh~ Open it! I know you and your bodyguard will like it!
Ai: O-okay *slowly opened the gift and was surprised to see 2 element keychains* Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! Can I give you two a hug?
Teens: Yeah *hugs the cyanette idol*
Teen #1: Can we also get your pictures with you and your friends?
Ai: Sure☺️
2 minutes later
Teen #1: Thank you so much😄

I Fell in Love with the Female Idol of Quartet Night
FanficHi, I'm (y/n) Hirawa. I'm currently 22 years old and working as a bodyguard. I was surprised when I found out that I was chosen to be a bodyguard for a female idol, which it turned out to be Mikaze Ai of Quartet Night. However there is a catch. The...