QN apartment
Camus's POVIt was around 6, few hours after I texted Hirawa. Kotobuki and Kurosaki were making dinner as Mikaze was looking through her phone while I was drinking my tea. Then I heard the doorbell rang as I walked up to the door and opened it to see Hirawa with homemade cheesecake with strawberries covered in white chocolate and bag? Why did he have a shopping bag with boxes? Then Hirawa told me to hold the cheesecake which I nodded and then asked him about the bag. He said that it's for Mikaze which I nodded and went to the fridge to put the cheesecake inside. He also brought his Scottish fold cat, Mochi, to play with Mikaze as she let out some soft giggles.
(y/n): Mikaze, here
Ai: *confused* What's this?
(y/n): *goes to her ear and whispers* It's something you might like. Try them on
Ai: Ok *takes the shopping bag and goes upstairs to try them on*
Camus: What did you gave Mikaze?
(y/n): Dresses and cardigans
Camus: Ah, no wonder
Reiji: Hey Hira!!😄
(y/n): 😒Hey Nickname Generator
Ranmaru: Pfft!
Reiji: So mean TvT
Camus: What's with the nickname😂
(y/n): No clue😅anyway-
Ai: Guys
Reiji: What is it Ai-A- Wow!!!
Ranmaru: What are you even shouting abou- Woah
Camus: 😳
(y/n): Does it fit?
Ai: *walks down to go to (y/n)* Yeah 😊 Thank you so much for the gift
(y/n): *blush lightly* Ah no problem *took her hand and touched it with his forehead* It's my gift to you
Ai: *lightly blushed* I didn't know that you would buy them
(y/n): Well, my family is very famous for their performances with either a violin, viola or piano back then and the fact that they're very rich which I'm actually was a part of the said family
Quartet Night: Eh?!?!
(y/n): 😑We should get ready for dinner. Mikaze, you can try the other two dresses later
Ai: Okay
The rest of us started to get the table ready for dinner as I continued to drink my tea. Mikaze changed back to her normal wear as she went up to get the cat out of the backpack and let her cuddle on her lap. The strange thing is that Hirawa doesn't kiss Mikaze's hand, but let his forehead touched it. Maybe it's a rare family tradition that a few higher class people do when they greet others. Hirawa finished setting the table up for dinner as I watched him going up to the woman and petted his cat. They started chatting as I walked up to them asked if I can join the chat which they gladly nodded and sat next to Hirawa and set my tea set down so the other two can have some. Hirawa then asked me about my precious dog, Alexander which I smiled and talked about his well being and what he is doing right now. Then a few minutes later, both Kotobuki and Kurosaki called us that dinner was ready for us to eat. We got off the couch, went to the dining table and sat down as we were waiting for the food to come on the table. Once the food was ready to be served, we started eating as we chat about the jobs we did the last few days as Hirawa was silently eat his food.
Camus: So I heard that there's going to be a party soon for the anniversary of the founding of Saotome Academy
Ranmaru: Do we have to go?

I Fell in Love with the Female Idol of Quartet Night
FanficHi, I'm (y/n) Hirawa. I'm currently 22 years old and working as a bodyguard. I was surprised when I found out that I was chosen to be a bodyguard for a female idol, which it turned out to be Mikaze Ai of Quartet Night. However there is a catch. The...