Chapter 16

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5 minutes later

The six of us had arrived at the Nikki's Dress Boutique as we walked inside, greeted by the employee of the shop. (y/n) told the employee that we needed some help picking a dress which the employee nodded and gestured us to go to the evening gown section. Then (y/n) told the rest of us that he'll be waiting at the couches which we nodded and followed the employee to the section. I looked around as some of the dresses were very amazing and pretty. The other girls started looking through the dresses for their preferred taste of fashion as I looked around. Then I stumbled upon a dress that looked very pure and pretty. The employee noticed it and asked me if I wanted to try it out which I looked at her and nodded slowly. She then gestured me to go to one of the dressing rooms and told me to wait here which I nodded and waited. She came back a few minutes later and told me to go inside so she can help me fit the dress. After that, I tried on the dress and looked at the mirror which my eyes widened from how pretty it looked and asked the employee for the name of the dress which she told me it was a part of a set. I nodded and told her that I liked this suit and would like to buy it which she nodded and helped me getting the dress off me.

Ai: *walks out of the dressing room with the employee behind her* So how much is it though?

Employee: Oh, this is on sale, before it's like 20k yen, but was reduced to about 11k or 12k yen

Ai: *was surprised and took out her phone to check her bank account* I could pay this much

Employee: *surprised* Oh my! You're the only customer that would buy this dress! I'm so happy! Young women would not like this dress because of the color combination. They say it's weird to them

Ai: *blushes and smiles* I see. I really like how it looked very pure

Employee: I bet your boyfriend will love this

Ai: *blushes*

Chizu: 😏

Arturia: I do agree what she said, that dress would look very pretty on you, Ai-san

Ai: I guess

Employee: Then let's go to the cashier so you pay the dress

Ai: Wait what about the accessories?

Employee: Oh that. It's in the set box already, waiting for the dress to be put in after being paid

Ai: Ah I see

Few minutes later

Employee: Thank you and have a nice day👋🏻

Girls: You too

(y/n): Are you guys hungry for some crepes or scones

Girls: Scones!

(y/n): Alright😄

The six of us started walking to the can so we put our shopping bags in the vehicle. While that, I started to feel a little bit uncomfortable as Gareth and Mash noticed my behavior. I quietly told the two that I felt like someone was eying on me which the other two were shocked told Arturia and Chizu about it. Then (y/n) walked up to us, noticed my behavior and looked around before noticing someone looking at us. Then the man started running towards us, making (y/n) took out his pistol and shot him on the edge of his shoulder. (y/n) threw his keys to his sister and told us to get in the car and covered our heads. The five of us girls got inside the van and locked the doors as I called Reiji to tell him the situation that I was in. He was shocked and scared for my life as he asked me about it when I heard a small knock on the window. I was so scared to look up when Chizu called out (y/n)'s name. I slowly looked up to see him with his relieved face and point to tell us to look which we did and saw a police car in the scene. I felt relieved that Chizu unlocked the door and opened it which (y/n) lunged forward to hug us.

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