Previously on I Fell in Love with the Female Idol of Quartet Night
Woman: AHHH!!! Someone has fallen down from the building!!!
Saotome: Where?!
Man: Up there *pointing up*
Ringo, Hyuga: *looked up and noticed someone falling*
(y/n): MIKAZE!!!!!
STARISH: Ai-senpai/chan /Aimi/Ai/ Mikaze-senpai!!!!!!
Quartet Night: Ai/Ai-Ai/Mikaze!!!!
Round Table: Ai-Chan/Ai!!!!!!
Arthur, Gawain: Ai!!!
Gawain: Oh no! She's going to die at this rate!!!
Arthur: (y/n), do something!!!!
(y/n): I'm thinking!!! 'Come on! Think, think! How should I save Mikaze??' Oh!
Everyone: *looked at (y/n) with a slight confused looks on their faces*
(y/n): 'Deep breath. You got this, Hirawa. Do this for the Hirawa Family!'
🎵Iruna Etelero
Iruna Etelero
Nadia Ezelevoteh
Mikemesta(y/n): *white lily petals and colorful gemstone stars float around the man*
Everyone: 😦
Camus: 'Oh a nice song that was once sang by Lindel back many centuries ago. I never knew that he knows the words to this song'
Iruna Etelero
Iruna Etelero
Satoa Aimeltewa
Lezelkoh MikemestaOtoya: Everyone look!
Everyone: *looked at where Otoya was pointing and saw that Ai has...... Angel wings on her?!*
Ringo: 'What is this song? It's so beautiful'
Ahmeru, Mikelmoh
Toimessez Mikelmoh
Masseri Imekuwozeh
Towonnah MizaimestaCamus: 'Woah, Mikaze was really saved by her bodyguard. Does Hirawa hid this talent from other people?'
Tokiya: It's very amazing
Ren: I have to agree. Hichi is actually saving Aimi for her safety
Cecil: The muses......! They should know about this! They never heard this amazing voice from Hirawa-san before!
Kessellah Kessellah~!
Kessellah Sehtoru~!
Ahmelva Etelerovoh(y/n): *reached out his hand so he can hold Ai's hand and gently descend her to the floor*
Ai: 😳 *entranced by how beautiful his voice is*
Mariah Ezelevoteh
Lezelkoh Mikemesta~🎵(y/n): *sighs*
Everyone: *claps their hands for an applause*
Saotome: Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
STARISH: *runs up to their senpai* Ai-senpai/chan /Aimi/Ai/ Mikaze-senpai!
Quartet Night: *ran after their kouhais* Ai/Ai-Ai/Mikaze!
Round Table: *ran towards (y/n) and Ai* Ai-Chan/Ai!
Arthur, Gawain: *ran after their friends* Ai!
Arturia: OMG are you okay?!

I Fell in Love with the Female Idol of Quartet Night
FanficHi, I'm (y/n) Hirawa. I'm currently 22 years old and working as a bodyguard. I was surprised when I found out that I was chosen to be a bodyguard for a female idol, which it turned out to be Mikaze Ai of Quartet Night. However there is a catch. The...