8. Survival Of The Weak

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Your POV

I don't know how long we've been traveling for.

I don't know how close the titans are to us.

I don't know how far Trost is.

All I know is that we have to get back there, as soon as possible. The sun has already set, and it would've been pitch black had the moon not provided us with its reflective light. Our horses have been busy galloping all this time and are incredibly tired as a result of it, just like us.

I look towards Levi, to see if she's in a stable enough condition. Looks like she still has a serious expression on her face, but is definitely exhausted, with her shoulders starting to droop.

'She looks like she'll fall off her horse any second.'

Making sure that she's able to continue the journey, I decide to ask about her condition.

Me: "Hey."

Levi: "Hmm?"

She looks over to me, while slowing her horse down.

Me: "You look tired. Maybe we should take a short stop, and let the horses rest as well."

Levi: "You think I look tired? You should take a look at yourself in a mirror."

'Fair enough. I've been feeling dizzy, for some time now too.'

Me: "And you didn't stop me because?"

Levi: "Because I want to get back as soon as possible, and because you wouldn't have stopped either."

With an agitated face, she responds before starting to turn her sight forwards again. However, before she can, I move my horse so that I'm next to her, and address her with half-lidded eyes.

Me: "While it is important to return to Trost quickly, I suppose we can't deny our own health and requirements. We can take a small break for about fifteen minutes."

Levi: "Tch. I don't need it. You take one if you want. I'll get there myself."

Her cold attitude only generates a smirk out of me as I lean towards her, causing her to slightly shift backwards in annoyance.

Me: "You'd really leave me in titan territory, all alone? I thought that I was special to you~"

She hardens her fists, a mild blush on her face, and it looks as if I'm about to get punched.

Levi: "For being such an idiot, I would. Besides, I doubt that there will be any titans roaming around at this time."

Me: "So there's no problem in stopping and providing me with some company, now is there?"

That causes her to shut up and scrunch her face up in severe agitation as she lightly grits her teeth, before sighing out in defeat whilst I keep grinning like an idiot.

Levi: "Fine. But if something goes wrong, it's on you."

Me: "Oh, come on. How much worse can it get?"

Levi: "You really want to tempt fate?"

Getting the hint, I stop talking and look around for a suitable place to rest. It should be next to a source of water, so that the horses can rehydrate themselves and as it turns out, that's exactly what I spot. A small tree next to a stream, a few meters ahead.

Devil's Adherent (Female!Levi X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now