9. Ilse Lagnar And The Talking Titan

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Your POV

Every time we prepare to set out on an expedition, I think back to that day. The day when we lost it all, but also, the day which gave humanity a purpose in fighting back. The day which changed everything, some things for the better and others for the worse.

'Just how long has it been? 4 years? 5 years? Time really does fly by quickly.'

But as they say, there's no time like the present and so, I snap myself back to the current moment, remembering the surroundings and situation.

Right now, I'm on my horse which is standing in the column behind Erwin. To my left is Hange Zoe, and to her left is Miche Zacharias, whereas to my right is Levi Ackerman, my deadly and ever-reliable squadmate. Levi and I have had a lot of experiences over these four years. Some joyous, others melancholic, and some...........complicated.

But as it stands, I suppose that our relationship has reached the point where we can be considered 'Friends', which is somewhat relieving.

Erwin: "Thirty seconds until the gates open! All troops, prepare to move out."

The city bells have already started tolling, signaling the fact that our departure from the walls and into the territory of the titans is close.

Hange: "Man, I'm so tired of waiting."

Her eyes then wander towards Levi and I with a begging look present, as I develop a light glare.

Hange: "Hey Y/N-"

Already knowing what's on her mind, I cut her off before she can finish.

Me: "Absolutely not."

Hange: "But I haven't even said anything yet."

Me: "You want me to help you capture a titan, right? If so, that's completely useless and a waste of our efforts and time."

Not considering herself defeated yet, she turns towards her left and asks Miche the same question.

Hange: "What about you, Miche? Wanna help me out?"

But remaining the stoic and silent type of man that he is, his response involves just looking away and slightly scoffing.

Hange: "Huh, the same old boring answers from the same old boring men."

'Old? What the fuck are you on!?!?'

I tighten my grip on the horse's reins, and try to not let any annoyance show. However, it seems as if Levi's already noticed, since she raises an eyebrow at me.

Levi: "You really gonna be annoyed by that?"

Me: "Let's see how you feel when I call you short-"

Levi: "Don't even think about it, jackass."

I slightly huff out in irritation but decide to forget about what Hange said, since the gate is starting to rise. After a few more seconds of eagerly waiting, it has fully risen and all of us prepare to set off with the commander's order.

Erwin: "The 49th expedition beyond the walls has begun!"

He rears his horse back and onto its hindlegs before giving the order.

Devil's Adherent (Female!Levi X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now