42. The Cost Of Truth

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3rd Person POV

A never-ending wall of titans on one side.

Humanity's brave Scout Legionnaire on the other.

Within the crumbling ruins of a once lively and flourishing district of Wall Maria, the only purpose that Shiganshina serves now is as the greatest battlefield in the history of Mankind.

Dilated pupils of the titanic hordes clash with the fierce and determined gazes of the scouts, with everyone and everything locking their sights onto a potential target. The final destination is within reach, and no one dares to back down even a single step; the reason for their temporary paralysis seeming to be a mix of exhilaration and fear.

As the Beast Titan and Commander Erwin remain in a standoff of their own, the air grows heavy and the tension in the atmosphere is visibly dense. So dense, in fact, that it feels as if the flow of time has slowed and nature has grown quiet in anticipation of the soon-to-be clash that is set to take place between the great giants of this world, the destruction of which would surely be unmatched.

After all, if both sides were to have their own way, then there would be no survivors this day.

Levi: "Erwin, he's gonna climb up."

Serving as the first one to break the unbearable silence, the short corporal of the scouts decides to inform Erwin about their adversary within the district itself.

The armoured titan, crouching down below and on the dirt ground, hardens the digits of its hands and feet, forming a layer of pure white crystal that is sure to break through even the toughest of fortifications. Having reinforced his titan form to an acceptable level, Reiner launches off in an incredibly hasty sprint that manages to generate light tremors whilst kicking up dust everywhere.

He comes into contact with the Wall of Maria soon after, jamming his foot inside and ensuring that it's properly buried before beginning his climb upwards, and towards the people that he once chatted with, ate and slept alongside.

Erwin: "All troops! Avoid clashing with the Armoured Titan at this time! Stay away from him!"


Despite the fact that Reiner is ascending the fifty-meter-tall structure at an alarming pace, Erwin maintains his composure and keeps delivering precise orders, his eyes only glancing away from the real terror for only a few moments.

Unfortunately, it seems as if some soldiers are unable to comprehend the cogs and wheels that spin within Erwin's mind, and are quite displeased with the fact that the entire formation has been reduced to nothing more than a raft of sitting ducks.

Eren: "Hange-san! Why didn't he signal to attack!?!?! What's he thinking!?!"

Hange: "He's observing the enemy's movements. Because Reiner and his friends prepared some sort of a grand welcome for us."

With the smoke from the titan transformations slowly starting to dispel, the menacing and toothy grin of the Beast Titan can't help but send a shiver up a few people's spines. However, it seems as if Erwin isn't interested in the ape-ish titan one bit and is more focused on the quadruplet titan that is close by and is carrying several crates and wooden barrels on its back.

Devil's Adherent (Female!Levi X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now