43. Descent

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3rd Person POV

War Chief: "I already told you........Annie's doing fine, I'm sure. There's no way that she's getting tortured."

It's a few hours prior to the official start of the Battle for Shiganshina, yet this time, the perspectives have been switched and instead of Humanity's Valiant Scouts, traversing through a dimly lit forest, we have the three defending Titan shifters-who are currently chatting by a small campfire whilst enjoying their peculiar black drinks.

As the gloomy clouds above block out any and all sources of natural light, the Warriors sit alongside one another, atop the Wall, each holding a metal container in hand and treating the upcoming battle like nothing more than a warm up match. An appetizer to a much grander main course, if you would.

And so, with the break of dawn still being several minutes away, all that we're left with for the moment is a very paranoid Reiner, his concerned friend Bertholdt, and their ever-scheming and shrewd War Chief, as the three converse about the unknown situation of their captured ally.

War Chief: "For starters, don't you think that's unlikely? With powers like ours, one scratch and we can pretty much handle anything."

Finishing his sentence with a carefree and relaxed tone, the bespectacled blonde titan shifter moves his right hand up to his ear before scratching it in an incredibly similar manner to that of a primate.

War Chief: "And remember. It's Annie that we're talking about here. I bet she's in hiding somewhere, practicing her kicks and whatnot."

However, despite this reassurance from their incredibly experienced commander-no matter how false it may be-the two warriors who had originally been sent to retrieve the co-ordinate still can't help but hold a sizable amount of concern and guilt within their hearts for abandoning the blonde martial artist.

Reiner: "Still, there's no mistaking that her identity was revealed."

Bertholdt: "Even if it's Annie..........."

War Chief: "Oh? Does this mean you're not fully committed yet?"

From out of nowhere, the sudden shift in tone changes the calming atmosphere amongst the three allies into something much more tense and deadly, as the younger titan shifters each feel a paralyzing chill travel up their spine; further cementing the difference in strength between themselves and that of their commander.

As sweat lightly drips down their foreheads, the two can only remain silent and immobile as the eventual berating, accompanied by a disappointed tone and deadpan expression, ensues.

War Chief: "Is that it? And what about the agreement we came to? Was that all for nothing?"

The blonde commander, not needing to say much, simply reminds the two about the decisive brawl that took place a few months prior, which automatically causes the two to recall the outcome of the battle as well.

War Chief: "We can go at it again if you want, Reiner. But the next time you lose, you give your Armour up to another Warrior."

Reiner: "N-No........That's not what I meant."

Having put the owner of the armoured titan in his place, the blonde War Chief decides to cool himself down and ease the tension within the air; once again reminding the two as to what their current objective is.

Devil's Adherent (Female!Levi X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now