15. Dreams And Suspicions

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3rd Person POV

At the Survey Corps Headquarters, there is a state of urgency and tension amongst the soldiers, for one sole reason.

The next expedition beyond the walls is only one day away.

As a result, everyone is in the process of working at their maximum potential, so that there are no shortcomings on the fateful day to come. Cadets and soldiers alike trained until they collapsed, squad commanders ensured that the proper supplies were ready and the commander constantly reviewed the battle plans, routinely running his gaze across the map and the wooden figures on top of it.

Everything needed to be perfect or close to it, after all.

Amongst many other busy individuals, Captain L/N is stuck with his own fair share of work and responsibilities, but right now, he is sitting in his office and is pondering over another serious issue. An issue that may drastically affect the upcoming excursion, might it be added.

Y/N: 'I can't believe it. I got another one last night. A vision……….in the form of a dream. This is the third fucking one now.'

It would seem that despite all of his efforts to deceive himself into believing that he is an ordinary individual, Y/N fails at almost every corner and is being driven mad because of his failures.

An odd situation, it truly is. Blaming yourself for not being 'Normal' might seem moronic at first glance, but it's human nature to want to fit in. Anything that seeks to disrupt such a plan is sure to cause great distress.

Regardless, Y/N leans forward and places his elbows on the table with his head on top of them, as if he is in a state of deep thought and contemplation, reviewing and questioning what he had seen the night before.

Y/N: 'I was on top of one of the walls. Along with me was Hange's squad and some of the new cadets. But most notably, the colossal titan was on the wall, its lower body missing. The armoured titan was also present but at the bottom of the wall, fighting against what looked to be Eren's titan.'

Y/N sighs heavily as he leans back into his chair and covers his eyes, quite literally being edged closer and closer to the void of insanity that is one's unrestricted mind.

Y/N: 'I want to lie to myself and say that they aren't real, but there's no point in that. They just feel too........realistic. But, why me? Why am I the only one who has to deal with this out of everyone? Fucking hell……………..I need some help with this.'

The captain stands up and begins to walk towards his office door, straightening himself out whilst fixing his attire and appearance. Despite what occurs, at the end of the day, the regular troops cannot find out about his personal issues for reasons that are quite obvious.

However, that doesn't mean that he has to hide his issues from his veteran Scout companions.

Y/N: 'I doubt Levi would have a clue, and I also don't want to needlessly worry her. Same with Erwin. Miche probably won't have a single care in the world about it so I guess I'll have to see the only scientific person available on base. Got no other choice but this seems like a plan that's already doomed.'

Having made up his mind, Y/N exits his office, locks his door, and starts heading towards Hange's office. He's still unsure and questions whether this is the right choice or not, but he moves on, understanding that she's his only hope.

Devil's Adherent (Female!Levi X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now